Clock Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Clock. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - How many times do the hands of a clock point towards each other in a day?

A - 24

B - 20

C - 12

D - 22

Answer : D


In 12 hours the hands of a clock point towards each other 11 times then in a day they will point towards each other 22 times.

Q 2 - At 3.40, the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock forms an angle of?

A - 120o

B - 125o

C - 130o

D - 135o

Answer : C


$\frac{360}{12} \times \frac{11}{3}$ = 110o and $\frac{360}{60} \times 40$ = 240o

Required angle 240 – 110 = 130o

Q 3 - A clock shows 10 O `clock in the morning. How many degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 4 O` clock in the afternoon?

A - 144o

B - 150o

C - 168o

D - 180o

Answer : D


Angle turned in 6 hrs = $\frac{360}{12}$ × 6 = 180o

Q 4 - Number of hours and minutes from 6.20 am to 9.30 pm on the same day is

A - 15 hours 10 mins

B - 15 hours 20 mins

C - 15 hours 05 minutes

D - 15.00 hours

Answer : A


total 9.30 – 6.20 = 3.10

12.00 + 3.10 = 15 hours 10 minutes

Q 5 - In 12 hrs, how many times both hands in opposite direction can be observed?

A - 10 times

B - 11 times

C - 12 times

D - none of these

Answer : B


Since in each interval, hands come opposite to each other once at a time. In 12 hours, there are 11 intervals, hence hands will be 11 times opposite in direction.

Q 6 - In which time between 9 and 10 O`clock, the hands of a clock will look like a straight line?

A - $\frac{180}{11}$

B - $\frac{210}{11}$

C - $\frac{90}{11}$

D - $\frac{270}{11}$

Answer : A

Straight Line


$\frac{60}{55}$ × 15 = $\frac{180}{11}$

Q 7 - What should be the angle between two hands of a clock at 7.20 a.m?

A - 95o

B - 105o

C - 110o

D - 100o

Answer : D


30(7-$\frac{20}{5}$) + $\frac{20}{2}$ = 30 × 3 + 10 = 100o

Q 8 - What is the angle between two hands of a clock when time is 10.20 O`clock?

A - 150o

B - 180o

C - 170o

D - 145o

Answer : C


Angle traveled by minute hand in 20 minute = 6 + 20 = 120o

Also angle travelled by hour hand = $\frac{1}{2}$ × 20 = 10o

Therefore required angle = (60 - 10) + 120 = 170o

Answer : B


$\frac{360}{12} \times \frac{39}{12} = 97\frac{5}{144}$ and $\frac{360}{60} \times 25 = 150$

Required angle = 150 - 97$\frac{5}{144}$ = 52$\frac{5}{144}$

Q 10 - If a proper-working clock displays 8:00AM, how may degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2:00 PM?

A - 144 degrees

B - 150 degrees

C - 168 degrees

D - 180 degrees

Answer : D


Angle traced by the hour hand in 6 hours = ($\frac{360}{12}$) × 6 degrees = 180 degrees
