Theme Detection Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Theme Detection. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Often people complain about the social media depicting the reason that it is killing their valuable time but this is not the fault of social media. You must learn the way of controlling your desires to get rid out of it. Instead of utilizing it just for showcasing your status and face, it can be used as a tool of information.

According to the passage, the social media

Options :

A - Is a boon for the people

B - Is a bane for the people

C - Can be a boon or bane depending upon its utilization.

D - None of the above follows.

Answer : C


The social media is a boon when used for a good purpose. Otherwise it is a bane as it kills our valuable time.

Q 2 - Currently there is no reservation for economically weak people in government organizations. Due to this rich people having quota like SC, ST and OBC are getting the benefit of competing amidst the small traffic along with the people of the general category. The indirect result is that, the rich are becoming richer and vice versa.

Through this passage the author is trying to convey the message that;

Options :

A - Reservations should be made on the basis of caste only.

B - Reservation should not be there.

C - Reservations should be made on the income basis not by caste.

D - None of the above

Answer : C


The passage clearly talks about the demerits of current caste based reservation system.

Q 3 - The television industry has revolutionized. The black and white shows have been replaced by the colour ones and people are experiencing 3D and HD quality pictures but often when asked upon, they say, they are still missing those old days of watching all their favourite programs under one roof.

What can be the best phrase that can infer the above passage well?

Options :

A - Time and tide waits for none

B - Old is gold

C - Sweet memories never die out

D - None of the above

Answer : B


This is because people here cherish and reminisce their old days while being in a more technologically advanced situation.

Q 4 - Many institutes have opened up to coach IAS aspirants but every one of them is not up to the mark when it comes to the quality of teaching. The toppers are telling in their interview that in addition to hard work, one may need proper guidance that will help him/her in moving towards the goal in the right direction and for that, a coaching centre is vital.

Through this passage, one thing can be concluded that

Options :

A - If you want to be a topper, then you have to take coaching.

B - No one has ever become an IAS officer without the help of a coaching centre.

C - Coaching centre can only show you the way and the rest you have to make it through your hard work.

D - None of the above

Answer : C


The passage clearly states that coaching centres are important in addition to hard work.

Q 5 - The act of forgiving is often treated as a sign of weakness but it is indeed a strong action. It takes a lot of strength and courage to not easily get influenced with the vengeance and to forgive the person. The man who forgives is much superior than the man who hurts himself in the act of hurting someone else.

The statement that supports the passage that

Options :

A - Mercy is the best way to take revenge.

B - It is very hard to suppress your natural possession.

C - People are very easy on forgiving things that happened in past.

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Option A best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 6 - Consuming non-vegetarian food is good for health but bad for the purity of soul. It is very important in life to attain purity of your soul as this will help you attain supreme peace. A good health can also be maintained by consuming vegetarian food. There are many people on this earth who are leading a healthy life by remaining vegan.

The author’s view is;

Options :

A - Non-vegetarian food should not be consumed at all.

B - Non-vegetarian food should be consumed occasionally.

C - People who eat vegetarian food can never attain supreme peace.

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Option A best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 7 - A popular Indian automobile company has decided to enter into African market by launching its new product in Kenya. It has also set up an assembly unit for the same in Kenya to foster selling process.

Through this passage, one thing can be concluded:

Options :

A - Indian companies are interested in African market.

B - Africa always encourages companies from different countries.

C - The Indian company is going in loss.

D - Next year some more Indian companies will launch themselves in Africa.

Answer : A


Option A can be concluded from the passage because Africa is a big continent so, India is interested there.

Q 8 - In Spain, an over-speeding train derailed here recently. And in the accident 78 people were killed. Many were taken to hospital near the north-western city of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Spain has declared three days of national mourning over the crash. Investigation report suggests that the drivers are not the experienced one.

From the above passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is:

Options :

A - The high speed train drivers must have good experience before being appointed as drivers.

B - Spain’s train service is worst.

C - Spain should increase its land route transportation through buses.

D - Spain’s train technology is not up to mark.

Answer : A


From the above passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is option A, as life of a huge number of people is dependent on the drivers so they must be experienced ones before entering into this job.

Q 9 - To make an end to the 12 year long conflict in Afghanistan, a strong political step was taken by opening Taliban office in Qatar. With this, US and Afghan governments are hoping that the insurgent group will help in cropping violence and will work under the constitution of Afghan.

From the passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is:

Options :

A - US and Afghanistan are coward.

B - There is door opened for peace talks with Taliban.

C - Taliban always wants peace but the world has never understood them.

D - The office of the Taliban should be banned.

Answer : B


From the above passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is option B.

Q 10 - A team of four scientists from Harvard University have stood against a decade old saying that “drinking more water is good for health.” Through their research paper they have put forward some adverse health issues by following the same.

Options :

A - Drinking more water is good for health.

B - Drinking more water is no better for health.

C - Nothing can be ascertained clearly from the above passage.

D - None of the above is true.

Answer : B


Through research papers, scientist are proving means, the fact can’t be ignored.
