Missing Characters Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Missing Characters. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Missing Character Quiz 1

Options :

A - 10

B - 11

C - 12

D - 13

Answer : B


The numbers are consecutive odd numbers changing in clockwise manner.

Q 2 - Missing Character Quiz 17

Options :

A - 217

B - 35

C - 135

D - 136

Answer : B


Numbers in outer space are obtain as 32- 22 = 5, 72 - 12 = 48, 42 - 32 = 7, 62 - 12 = 35.hence missing number is 35.

Q 3 - Missing Character Quiz 24

Options :

A - 7

B - 12

C - 15

D - 6

Answer : D


In the figure it is clear that, 15 - 5 = 10, 20 - 7 = 13 which indicates that result number is the alphabetic order of corresponding letter in group such as 5, 15 and J.

Answer : B


The numbers are related as, 13 + 10 = 23 = 2 × 3 = 6 and 2 + 19 = 21 = 2 × 1 = 1, therefore missing number is 24 + 11 = 35 = 5 × 3 = 15.

Q 5 - Missing Character Quiz 47

Options :

A - 85

B - 98

C - 89

D - 43

Answer : C


The number at the centre is obtained as,(1+2)(4+0)= 34 = 43 and (4+2)(2+3) = 65 = 56, similarly (5+4)(2+6) = 98 = 89. Hence missing number is 89.

Q 6 - Missing Character Quiz 53

Options :

A - 13

B - 81

C - 89

D - 88

Answer : D


The numbers are related to each other as, (1+1) × 17 = 34 and (3+1) × 9 = 36, similarly (4+7) × 8 =88. Hence missing number is 88.

Q 7 - Missing Character Quiz 62

Options :

A - 3

B - 5

C - 2

D - 7

Answer : C


We can get the numbers as, (5-3) + 1 = 3 and (6-3) + 1 = 4, similarly (7-6) + 1 = 2.

Q 8 - Missing Character Quiz 74

Options :

A - 9

B - 15

C - 18

D - 24

Answer : A


The summation of all numbers when divided by 3 resulting a number at the centre as, $\frac{51+11+22+21}{3} = 35$ and $\frac{1+51+2+24}{3} = 29$, similarly $\frac{45+18+63+9}{3} = 45$. Hence missing number is 9.

Q 9 - Missing Character Quiz 88

Options :

A - 3

B - 6

C - 7

D - 4

Answer : D


Numbers in the columns are obtained as, 72 + 1 = 50 and 52 because 5 + 2 = 7 and so in other box facing downwards. Thus it is clear that by using 4 in given option other number can ne obtain for 3rd column, hence missing number is 4.

Answer : C


Each number is getting divided into two parts such that one part of which is common to both the previous numbers, therefore from figure it is clear that missing number is 23 + 13 = 36. Hence missing number is 36.
