Analogy Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Analogy. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 1 - ‘Degree’ is related to ‘examination’ similarly ‘service’ is related to

Options :

A - Interview

B - Study

C - Hard work

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Option A is correct because we can get degree by giving examination and similarly we can get service by giving interview.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 2 - ‘Definitely’ is related to ‘probably’ similarly ‘safe’ is related to

Options :

A - Danger

B - Denim

C - Point

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Option A is correct because danger is opposite of safe.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 3 - ‘Success’ is related to ‘exam’ similarly ‘win’ is related to

Options :

A - Weapons

B - Match

C - Power

D - None of the above

Answer : B


Option B is correct because from a match we can earn a win.

In the following question, choose the option which shows common feature in the relationship given in each question.

Q 4 - India: Pakistan : Sri Lanka

Options :

A - They are neighbouring countries in Indian sub-continent.

B - Each are enemy countries of each other.

C - The USA invites each to join NATO.

D - They all have won Olympic gold medals in athletics.

Answer : A


Only option A is correct because all these countries are neighbouring countries in Indian sub-continent.

In the following question, choose the pair/group of words that show the same relationship as given at the top of every pair/group.

Q 5 - Bihar : Patna

Options :

A - Tripura : Agartala

B - Kerala : Kollam

C - Jagatsinghpur : Cuttack

D - Kashmir : Jammu

Answer : A


Option A is the correct answer because Patna is capital of Bihar similarly Agartala is capital of Tripura.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 6 - ‘Lung’ is related to ‘heart’ similarly ‘kitchen’ is related to

Options :

A - Fish

B - Dish

C - Dining hall

D - None of the above

Answer : C


Option C is correct because lung and heart are subsets of body similarly kitchen and dining hall are subsets of house.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 7 - ‘Sand’ is related to ‘beach’ similarly ‘water’ is related to

Options :

A - Pomegranate

B - River

C - Swim

D - None of the above

Answer : B


Option B is correct because sand can be found on beach similarly water can be found in river.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 8 - ‘Toys’ is related to ‘plastic’ similarly ‘grill’ is related to

Options :

A - Sand

B - Glass

C - Iron

D - None of the above

Answer : C


Option C is correct because toys are normally made up of plastic similarly grill is normally is made up of iron.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 9 - ‘Maize’ is related to ‘carbohydrate’ similarly ‘fruits’ are related to

Options :

A - Vitamin

B - Fat

C - Mineral

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Option A is correct because maize is full of carbohydrates similarly fruits are full of vitamins.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 10 - ‘One day’ is related to ‘T20’ similarly ‘computer’ is related to

Options :

A - Laptop

B - Palmtop

C - Wire

D - None of the above

Answer : B


Option B is correct because T20 is smaller version of one day matches in cricket similarly palmtop is the smaller version of a computer.
