Cryptography - Simple Substitution Cipher

If you are looking for a simple and widely used cipher, the simple substitution cipher is the excellent choice. In this cipher we will learn about what exactly the simple Substitution Cipher is and how it works in very simple way. So basically in this technique we can replace each plaintext character with a corresponding ciphertext character. Unlike the Caesar cipher algorithm, the simple substitution cipher changes the order of the alphabets so this process adds an extra layer of complexity to the encryption process.

A substitution cipher is an encoding technique where ciphertext is substituted for plaintext units in a predefined system. The "units" can be individual letters (which are the most common), pairs of letters, triplets of letters, or combinations of the aforementioned. By using the inverse substitution, the recipient deciphers the text. We substitute different letters for the plaintext letters in substitution ciphers.

Encrypt the Message − Two elements are needed to encrypt a message: the key (the letter replacements) and the encryption technique (simple substitution, in our case). Note that we should continue to the same technique (simple replacement) but change the key (use alternative letter substitutions) if we believed our messages were no longer secure.

Decrypt the Message − This should not be an issue if you know the key. The key is the same for encryption and decryption, regardless of the possibility that having the ciphertext characters in alphabetical order will be helpful.

For example with a shift of 2, A will be replaced by c, B will become D, C becomes E and so on.

How does it work?

  • First we have to decide that which letter in the alphabet will be substituted for each given original letter.

  • So for using a Simple Substitution Cipher for encrypting a message we have to replace each character in the given message with its respective character in the secret character map. For example, if 'A' is mapped to 'D', so each 'A' in the message should be replaced by 'D', and so on for each character.

  • To decrypt the given encoded message, we will have to reverse the process of encryption. So we will use the secret alphabet mapping to replace each encoded letter with its original letter.

  • The secret alphabet mapping is the key to the cipher. Without knowing this mapping, it will be very difficult to decrypt the message.


Keys for a simple substitution cipher basically consist of 26 letters. An example key is −

plain alphabet : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
cipher alphabet : phqgiumeaylnofdxjkrcvstzwb

An example encryption using the above key is −

plaintext : hello, this world is so beautiful!
ciphertext : gtyyj, ngzf cjpyk zf fj htvbnzdby!

Implementation using Python

So we have implemented a simple substitution cipher with the help of string and random module of Python.

The string module is used to get all lowercase letters (string.ascii_lowercase) and the random module to shuffle the alphabet. We have generated a random mapping of letters in the alphabet, encrypt a message with the help of given mapping, and decrypt an encrypted message with the help of mapping.


Below is a Python implementation for the simple substitution cipher algorithm using string and random module of Python. See the program below −

import string
import random

def generate_mapping():
   alphabet = list(string.ascii_lowercase)  # Get all lowercase letters
   shuffled_alphabet = alphabet[:]  # Make a copy of the alphabet
   random.shuffle(shuffled_alphabet)  # Shuffle the copy
   return dict(zip(alphabet, shuffled_alphabet))  

# function for encryption
def encrypt(message, mapping):
   encrypted_message = ''
   for char in message.lower():
      if char in mapping:
         encrypted_message += mapping[char]
         encrypted_message += char
   return encrypted_message
# function for decryption 
def decrypt(encrypted_message, mapping):
   inverse_mapping = {v: k for k, v in mapping.items()}  # Create an inverse mapping
   decrypted_message = ''
   for char in encrypted_message.lower():
      if char in inverse_mapping:
         decrypted_message += inverse_mapping[char]
         decrypted_message += char
   return decrypted_message

# generate a random mapping
mapping = generate_mapping()

# message to encrypt
message = "Hello, world!"

# encrypt the message
encrypted_message = encrypt(message, mapping)
print("Our Encrypted Message:", encrypted_message)

# eecrypt the message
decrypted_message = decrypt(encrypted_message, mapping)
print("Our Decrypted Message:", decrypted_message)

Following is the output of the above example −


Our Encrypted Message: nsgga, taigj!
Our Decrypted Message: hello, world!


The basic disadvantage of this Cipher is that it is very easy to crack. Once an attacker finds out the mapping which is used to substitute letters, so he can easily decode any message.

And it can also be cracked using frequency analysis. When you look at how often some letters or groups of letters appear in the encrypted message, it becomes easier to guess it. It means that the Simple Substitution Cipher is not very secure for securing our private data.

Cryptanalysis of Simple Substitution Cipher

Cryptanalysis of simple substitution cipher refers to deciphering a secret message is a code in which a letter is typically substituted with another letter. We can decipher it by comparing the code's letter frequency to the known letter frequency of the language. Using indications like punctuation and spaces, together with a few typical patterns, we can gradually decipher the message. It is the same as figuring out a puzzle by guessing which elements represent based on how frequently they appear.


In this chapter, we learned about a simple Substitution Cipher and its simple implementations in different programming languages. A substitution cipher is very easy to understand and use, but when it comes to security, it is not secure. The reason behind this is its simplicity: once attacker cracks the map so he can easily decipher any message. One of the techniques used to break these ciphers is frequency analysis. So it is not recommended for situations where strong security is required.
