wxPython - RadioButton & RadioBox

A Radio button usually represents one of many selectable buttons available for the user in a group. Each button, an object of wx.RadioButton class carries a text label next to a round button.

In order to create a group of mutually selectable buttons, the style parameter of first wxRadioButton object is set to wx.RB_GROUP. Subsequent button objects are added to a group.

wxPython API also consists of wx.RadioBox class. Its object offers a border and label to the group. Buttons in the group can be arranged horizontally or vertically.

wx.RadioButton constructor looks like −

Wx.RadioButton(parent, id, label, pos, size, style)

The style parameter is present only for the first button in the group. Its value is wx.RB_GROUP. For subsequent buttons in the group, wx.RB_SINGLE style parameter may be optionally used.

wx.RadioButton event binder wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON triggers the associated handler every time any of the buttons in the group is clicked.

Two important methods of wx.RadioButton class are SetValue() – to select or deselect a button programmatically – and GetValue() – which returns true if a button is selected and is false otherwise.

A wx.RadioBox places a collection of mutually exclusive buttons in a static box. Each button in the group takes its label from a List object which acts as ‘choices’ parameter for wx.RadioBox constructor.

Buttons in RadioBox are laid out in row-wise or column-wise manner. For that ‘style’ parameter of constructor should be either wx.RA_SPECIFY_ROWS or wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS. Number of rows/columns is decided by the value of ‘majordimensions’ parameter.

Prototype of wx.RadioBox constructor is −

Wx.RadioBox(parent, id, label, pos, size, choices[], initialdimensions, style)

Following are the important methods in wx.RadioBox class −

S.N. Methods & Description


Returns the index of the selected item



Selects an item programmatically



Returns the label of the selected item



Assigns the label to the selected item



Shows or hides the item of the given index

Event binder associated with wx.RadioBox object is wx.EVT_RADIOBOX. Associated event handler identifies the button selection and processes it.


The following example demonstrates the use of RadioBox as well as RadioButton. Firstly, three RadioButtons, grouped by specifying wx.RB_GROUP style are placed on the panel.

self.rb1 = wx.RadioButton(pnl,11, label = 'Value A', pos = (10,10), style = wx.RB_GROUP) 
self.rb2 = wx.RadioButton(pnl,22, label = 'Value B',pos = (10,40)) 
self.rb3 = wx.RadioButton(pnl,33, label = 'Value C',pos = (10,70))

The RadioBox, on the other hand, reads labels for its buttons from a lblList[] object.

lblList = ['Value X', 'Value Y', 'Value Z']     
self.rbox = wx.RadioBox(pnl,label = 'RadioBox', pos = (80,10), choices = lblList ,
   majorDimension = 1, style = wx.RA_SPECIFY_ROWS)

Two event binders, one for radio group and other for RadioBox, are declared.

self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnRadiogroup) 

The corresponding event handlers identify the button selected and display the message on the console window.

def OnRadiogroup(self, e): 
   rb = e.GetEventObject() 
   print rb.GetLabel(),' is clicked from Radio Group' 
def onRadioBox(self,e): 
   print self.rbox.GetStringSelection(),' is clicked from Radio Box'

The complete code is as follows −

import wx   

class Example(wx.Frame): 
   def __init__(self, parent, title): 
      super(Example, self).__init__(parent, title = title,size = (300,200)) 
   def InitUI(self):    
      pnl = wx.Panel(self)
      self.rb1 = wx.RadioButton(pnl,11, label = 'Value A',
         pos = (10,10), style = wx.RB_GROUP) 
      self.rb2 = wx.RadioButton(pnl,22, label = 'Value B',pos = (10,40)) 
      self.rb3 = wx.RadioButton(pnl,33, label = 'Value C',pos = (10,70)) 
      self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnRadiogroup)
      lblList = ['Value X', 'Value Y', 'Value Z'] 
      self.rbox = wx.RadioBox(pnl, label = 'RadioBox', pos = (80,10), choices = lblList,
         majorDimension = 1, style = wx.RA_SPECIFY_ROWS) 
   def OnRadiogroup(self, e): 
      rb = e.GetEventObject() 
      print rb.GetLabel(),' is clicked from Radio Group' 
   def onRadioBox(self,e): 
      print self.rbox.GetStringSelection(),' is clicked from Radio Box' 
ex = wx.App() 
Example(None,'RadioButton and RadioBox') 

The above code produces the following output −

Radio Button Output

Value B is clicked from Radio Group

Value C is clicked from Radio Group

Value Y is clicked from Radio Box

Value X is clicked from Radio Box
