Write a C program demonstrating examples on pointers

A pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable.

Features of Pointers

  • Pointer saves the memory space.

  • The execution time of a pointer is faster because of direct access to memory location.

  • With the help of pointers, the memory is accessed efficiently, i.e., memory is allocated and deallocated dynamically.

  • Pointers are used with data structures.

Declaring a pointer

int *p;

It means ‘p’ is a pointer variable that holds the address of another integer variable.

Initialization of a pointer

Address operator (&) is used to initialize a pointer variable.

For example,

int qty = 175;
int *p;
p= &qty;

Accessing a variable through its pointer

To access the value of the variable, the indirection operator (*) is used.


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void main(){
   //Declaring variables and pointer//
   int a=2;
   int *p;
   //Declaring relation between variable and pointer//
   //Printing required example statements//
   printf("Size of the integer is %d
",sizeof (int));//4//    printf("Address of %d is %d
",a,p);//Address value//    printf("Value of %d is %d
",a,*p);//2//    printf("Value of next address location of %d is %d
",a,*(p+1));//Garbage value from (p+1) address//    printf("Address of next address location of %d is %d
",a,(p+1));//Address value +4//    //Typecasting the pointer//    //Initializing and declaring character data type//    //a=2 = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010//    char *p0;    p0=(char*)p;    //Printing required statements//    printf("Size of the character is %d
",sizeof(char));//1//    printf("Address of %d is %d
",a,p0);//Address Value(p)//    printf("Value of %d is %d
",a,*p0);//First byte of value a - 2//    printf("Value of next address location of %d is %d
",a,*(p0+1));//Second byte of value a - 0//    printf("Address of next address location of %d is %d
",a,(p0+1));//Address value(p)+1// }


Size of the integer is 4
Address of 2 is 6422028
Value of 2 is 2
Value of next address location of 2 is 10818512
Address of next address location of 2 is 6422032
Size of the character is 1
Address of 2 is 6422028
Value of 2 is 2
Value of next address location of 2 is 0
Address of next address location of 2 is 6422029

Updated on: 06-Mar-2021


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