Why Qries is a better platform compared to Quora?

Qries is a knowledge sharing platform where you can put forth queries and voice your opinions and interact with people from all corners of the world sharing their inputs. On comparing Qries to Quora, one will find that Qries comes across as a much simpler and more clutter-free site, making it possible for users to easily breeze through the site.

Qries is also equipped with a Hindi version which can have a larger appeal in rural areas as it helps them participate in discussions in a language they are comfortable in.

According to a survey conducted by the KPMG-Google study, local languages are going to be key in convincing the next billion users to come online. By 2021, an expected 201 million Hindi users - 38% of the Indian internet user base - will be online.

It is in this crucial context that the presence of a widely-read online knowledge platform that has provisions for people to interact with one another in Hindi will help educated people from every nook and corner of India.

In addition to this, Qries also has the "Made in India" sentiment attached to it. A majority of Quora-subscribers are Indians, so they might want to give one of their own country's product a much-needed push!

Updated on: 27-Jun-2020


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