Which property is used to make a font oblique?

In CSS, we can use the ‘font-style’ property to set the style of the font. We can use the different styles as a value of the font-style property, and ‘oblique’ is one of them.

Basically, the ‘oblique’ font is a sloppy version of the text, and we set the angle to decrease or increase the slope of the text. Here, we will make a font oblique in the various examples.


Users can follow the syntax below to make a font oblique using the font-style property of CSS.

font-style: oblique;

Example 1

In the example below, we have created two <p> tags and added the texts inside them to show on the webpage. Also, we have applied the ‘font-style: normal’ CSS property for the first <p> tag and the ‘font-style: oblique’ CSS property for the second <p> tag.

In the output, uesrs can observe that oblique fonts are sloppy than normal.

      .normal {
         font-style: normal;
         font-size: 1.5rem;
      .oblique {
         font-style: oblique;
         font-size: 1.5rem;
   <h2>Using the <i> font-stlye: oblique </i> to make font oblique.</h2>
   <p class = "normal"> This font is Normal font. </p>
   <p class = "oblique"> This font is <i> oblique </i> font. </p>

Example 2 (Angle with Oblique Property, Only Works in Firefox Browser)

In the example below, we have added the angle also with the ‘oblique’ font-style property. The limitation is that angle only works in the Firefox browser.

We have created three different div elements and added text to them. In CSS, we applied font-style oblique property to all fonts with different angles. In the output, users can observe that as the angle increases, the slop of the font also increases.

      .one {
         font-style: oblique 40deg;
         font-size: 1.5rem;
      .two {
         font-style: oblique 80deg;
         font-size: 1.5rem;
      .three {
         font-style: oblique 30deg;
         font-size: 1.5rem;
   <h2>Using the <i>font-stlye: oblique</i> to make font oblique.</h2>
   <p class = "one">The font style is oblique and slope is 40deg.</p>
   <p class = "two">The font style is oblique and slope is 80deg.</p>
   <p class = "three">The font style is oblique and slope is 120deg.</p>

Example 3

In the example below, we have created the div element and added some nested div elements at multiple levels. We have used the ‘font-style: oblique’ CSS property for the parent div, and users can see that all fonts of the div became sloppy, including the child div elements.

      .test {
         font-style: oblique;
         font-size: 1.5rem;
   <h2>Using the <i>font-stlye: oblique</i> to make font oblique.</h2>
   <div class = "test">
      This is a parent div.
         This is a child div with font-style: oblique.
            This is another nested child div with font-style: oblique.

Users learned to make a font of oblique type using the font-style property. It is almost similar to the ‘italic’ font style as it also creates sloppy or cursive fonts.

Updated on: 11-Apr-2023


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