Where and How Do I Start a Digital Marketing Career?

If you're considering a career in digital marketing, I can tell you that it's a great choice. There are plenty of options for people who want to learn how to do digital marketing without taking a course at a university or college. You can start your career in this field by building the necessary skills online and serving clients from your home.

There are many ways to become a digital marketing professional. While many people start in traditional roles before working in the field, there is no specific requirement for one to become a digital marketer. Instead, most people enter the industry with a wide range of skills, such as writing copy, managing websites, and working as influencers. Let’s understand more about starting a career in digital marketing.

Where to start a digital marketing career?

The umbrella term digital marketing refers to various online strategies utilized by companies to target their audience and turn them into customers. Although the term digital marketer is commonly used to describe a job in digital marketing, it is also important to note that there are other roles that you can pursue in this field if you have the necessary skills and interests. Most of the time, digital marketers start out in niche categories and then develop into more prominent roles.

There are many free online courses that you can take to learn everything about digital marketing. Some of the most popular platforms are Hubspot, Google Learning Center, Moz, and others. Many digital marketers also say that a good portion of their work involves keeping up with the latest trends in the industry.

Steps to start a digital marketing career

Follow the below-given steps to know how to start a career in digital marketing in 2023 −

Learn the basics of digital marketing

The first step in becoming a digital marketing professional is to understand what it is and how it works. This broad term encompasses various facets of online marketing, which can be defined as the process of promoting a product or service over the Internet. There are a variety of channels that can be utilized in a digital campaign.

It may take several months or even years for people who are new to digital marketing to develop a clear understanding of how it works. This is because learning various aspects of it in a piecemeal manner can take a lot of time.

Start your own website

Building your own website allows you to test and learn various marketing techniques without worrying about how others will perceive them. Also, it lets you show off your skills and knowledge without having to go through the laborious process of researching and implementing new strategies. Digital marketing is a highly practical and measurable discipline that requires knowledge of multiple aspects.

As a digital marketing professional, you will be required to promote various websites to increase their sales and organic traffic. This can be done through social media advertising and PPC. To learn more about this, start a blog and work on developing a strategy that will help boost your rankings. You can also create a product or try to make sales by advertising.

Choose a digital marketing channel

Running a website alone can be very time consuming and challenging, so we recommend focusing only on one area of marketing. There are many channels that can be used for digital marketing.

Online advertising is a strategy that involves buying ads on various platforms, such as Facebook, Google, and Instagram. So, choose your channel wisely. It’s a great way to boost traffic to your website quickly, but it can also be risky. Before you start doing this, it’s important to understand how to manage your online ads.

Get certification

As a digital marketing consultant, one of your main duties is to use Google Ads to promote products and services on various websites and properties. Getting a Google Ads certification is quickly becoming one of the most important steps in becoming proficient in this field. There are a variety of resources that you can use to learn about this type of marketing tool, and getting a certification from Google is a great way.

Become expert

You can learn how to use SEO to create effective websites that search engines love. You can also apply the same techniques to improve your Facebook and Google Ads campaigns. Building a successful SEO career involves gradually improving one's skills.

Even if you watch thousands of YouTube videos, you still have to find a way to improve your techniques. In addition to that, digital marketing should not be just about consuming content. Instead, it should be about developing a strategy and executing it. It is required to implement and learn to optimize your efforts.

Familiarize yourself with marketing tools

In addition to using Google Analytics, you must also learn how to utilize other tools such as social media marketing and web analytics. As a digital marketing manager who is responsible for overseeing a team of specialists, you will need to regularly evaluate and control the work of your team. One of the most essential tools that you should have is a good dashboard that will allow you to visualize and report on your team's progress. Although it is not free, a monthly fee is a great investment in your career.

Apply for a job

One of the best ways to improve your skills and experience is by working as a digital marketing assistant at a prominent agency. This will allow you to learn how modern digital marketing works and apply some of the techniques that you can use later on in your career. If you decide to start a new digital marketing agency, without having worked in one before, it will be harder to get started.

A good entry-level position is an internship or a digital marketing agency internship. This could be in-house or at a startup.


Getting into digital marketing requires a lot of experience and training, as well as opportunities to build a network within the industry. Although it’s possible to start out without any prior experience, it’s important to develop the necessary skills to become a successful digital marketer.

A career in digital marketing is a great choice for anyone who is looking to work in this field. There is a huge demand worldwide for professionals in this field, and the salary is generally good. However, before you start working in this field, it’s important that you have the necessary skills to be successful. There are many disciplines within this field, and if you want to earn a higher salary, you should be an expert at all of them.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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