What is the difference between SOAP and RESTful Web Services in information security?

 SOAP Web Services

SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. It is a XML-based protocol for accessing web services. It is produced as an intermediate language so that applications built in multiple programming languages can communicate with each other efficiently. Web services use SOAP for share of XML data among applications.

SOAP provides both stateful and stateless operations. Stateful defines that the server keeps the data that it receives from the client across multiple requests. These requests are chained so that the server is aware about the prior requests. Examples are bank transactions, flight bookings, etc. Stateless messaging has adequate information about the state of the client so that the server does not have to bother.

Restful Web Service

REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural approach for communication objectives often used in several web services development. It is a stateless client-server model. Web services that are defined on the term of REST are RESTful web services.

When a client creates a request via RESTful API, it transfers the description of the state of the resources to the server. This information can be transferred in several formats via HTTP like, JSON, HTML, XLT, and Plain Text, but JSON is the most common language used because of its easy readability by machines and humans.

In REST Architecture, everything is an asset. RESTful Web Services provides the correspondence between programming applications running on multiple stages and systems. It can be consider web Services as code on request. A RESTful Web Service is a capacity or technique which can be known by sending an HTTP solicitation to a URL, and the administration restores the result as the response.

Let us see the comparison between SOAP and Restful Web Service.

SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol.
RESTful stands for Representational State Transfer.
SOAP web service link the response with XML because the actual response is bundled inside a SOAP message which is always in XML format.
RESTful web service can restore the response in multiple formats like JSON, XML, and HTML.
SOAP uses XML messages to recognize the desired web process or resource to be invoked.
RESTful web services use URL to recognize the desired resources to be accessed.
SOAP does not pose some restrictions on transport. It can use such as HTTP or MQ.
RESTful services use the famous HTTP protocol.
SOAP cannot use RESTful services because it is a protocol.
RESTful service can use SOAP web services because it is an architectural approach that can use some protocol like HTTP and SOAP.
XML is the famous data exchange format in SOAP web services.
JSON is the famous data exchange format in RESTful web services.

Updated on: 09-Mar-2022


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