What is the difference between Antivirus and Trojan horse?

Let us begin by understanding what an antivirus is.


Antivirus software is a program that acts against virus protection. It can find or see the virus, and following, after finding the nearness of the virus, it works on expelling it from the computer system. Antivirus software works as a prophylactic with the aim that it takes out a virus and keeps some potential viruses from infecting your device in the future.

Antivirus software is the important level of our internet security, be it on our personal computers or cellular devices. It is becoming essential to have trustworthy protection on our smartphones, because it can do so much through them, from paying the bills to penetrating our social media accounts.

Hence, it can clearly be said that having a good antivirus program is the most important thing to have on some form of technology that is connected to the internet.

Antivirus software can also preserve the computer from spyware and integrity fraud. Spyware is a kind of software created to influence your computer, spy on you, and maintain all your data stored inside your computers including financial data, important personal documents, and images.

Trojan horse

A Trojan horse is a type of malware that downloads onto a computer unrecognizable as a legitimate problem. A Trojan horse is established because of its delivery techniques, which frequently look like an attacker uses social engineering to protect malicious codes inside legitimate software.

A trojan’s intent is usually different than that of multiple forms of viruses or malware, which are self-propagating to strengthen damage regardless of their being disclosed. The major objective of the Trojan Horse is to remain hidden. They generally open a backdoor through which the computer can be accessed externally by a hacker, or compare with the hacker who develops it to send sensitive information from the user’s device.

A Trojan virus circulates through legitimate-looking emails and documents linked to emails, which are spammed to introduce the inboxes of as several people as possible. When the email is opened and the malicious network is downloaded, the Trojan server will install and naturally run each time the infected device is turned on.

Devices can also be affected by a Trojan through social engineering methods, which cybercriminals use to coerce customers into downloading the malicious application. The malicious file can be secret in banner advertisements, pop-up advertisements, or networks on websites.

A computer affected by Trojan malware can also spread it to multiple computers. A cybercriminal turns the device into a zombie device, which describes having remote control of it without the user knowing. Hackers can utilize the zombie device to continue in sending malware across a network of devices, represented as a botnet.

Updated on: 19-Nov-2021


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