What is Quality Management, and Why Does It Matter?

Business management is quite an overwhelming process. With so many processes, people, and resources employed on the project, it gets hectic for a single person to handle all operations smoothly. Every manager schedules their projects around deadlines and quality. There’s no doubt that quality matters the most.

Whether you are working on a small or complex project, your stakeholders will expect excellent quality from your final product. But is quality management confined to a bunch of projects? Quality management strategy applies to all your management operations, all projects that you accept, and all objectives.

The question is, who should be responsible for quality management, and how exactly can you take care of the quality while simultaneously handling the deadline, budget, and other factors? Most importantly, how should you implement a quality management strategy?

Let’s find out.

What is Quality Management?

Quality management refers to the process of overseeing all activities and projects within the organization across different departments. This ensures that the products and services you offer are of your desired quality and meet or surpass the quality standards of your clients. Let’s check out the four vital components of quality management.

  • Quality Planning The process begins in the planning phase. You need to set goals for the project before starting work. Planning involves setting quality standards that you can use to determine whether you are on the right track. You will match the final product with these quality standards once the project is finished.

  • Quality Control and Improvement This involves changing a method or deploying a new strategy to improve the results. The manager and the team have to monitor the project’s progress constantly and maintain consistency in all procedures. It helps you retain the products’ integrity and quality.

  • Quality Assurance You need to pay attention to every detail and procedure to ensure the best outcome by the time you are finished with the project.

The primary purpose of quality management is to bring all stakeholders, clients, and teams together to achieve the pre-determined outcome for every project. The concept focuses on long-term success, which is achieved by aligning the project’s goals with the company’s objectives.

Important Elements of Quality Management

Every company sets its own standards for quality assurance. The type and nature of the project you are working on also play a role in setting these standards. So, the quality management practice you adopt might vary from one project to another, but some principles remain consistent. Let’s check out a few crucial elements of quality management.

Customer Expectations

The ultimate goal of a company is to achieve customer satisfaction. Whatever you produce and deliver should meet and exceed your customer’s quality standards. This will help you build a loyal customer base. When a company understands its customers’ needs and bases its product or services around these requirements, there’s a good chance the customer will turn into a regular client.


The success of an organization depends on leadership. Good leadership builds a positive culture that encourages employees to be highly productive and take part in activities that achieve corporate objectives.

A leader does much more than guide the team in the right direction. They set objectives, align each project with the company’s ultimate goals, and create an environment that boosts employees’ morale. Great leadership focuses on helping employees achieve their individual goals too.


This is incredibly important in today’s cloud-driven work environment. Most companies have a blend of hybrid, remote, in-house, and outsourced employees that are supposed to work together to ensure a streamlined workflow. The C-suite executives should take some time to appreciate their employees’ dedication.

Recognizing their hard work will make your employees feel valued. It boosts their confidence. To build a culture where all your employees, remote and in-house teams, work together on each project. Using tools that facilitate seamless communication is the first step to encouraging teamwork.

Continuous Improvement

An organization must routinely improve its processes, project methodologies, and technology. This improves your business’ flexibility and promotes growth. As discussed above, a great leader knows which project will be beneficial on an organizational level. They accept projects that are aligned with corporate goals and can build employees’ skills and experience.

Sometimes, the methods you have been following for a long time might not suit the project’s needs. Or, the software applications you use to track employees’ performance and project status might be too outdated to deliver the best results. Upgrading this technology and your work processes makes everyone’s life easier.

Effective Decision Making

Involving your stakeholders and the staff in decision-making won’t only make them feel valued, but it will help you make informed decisions. It’s equally important that you consider historical data, the latest industry trends, your budget, available resources, and your workforce when making organizational decisions. Remember, a decision can make or break a project.

You don’t want to end up losing the project or ruining its quality just because you couldn’t decide on the right management strategy. So, it’s important to include your team when selecting tools, setting a budget, or assigning duties.

Managing Relationships with Stakeholders

Just staying in touch with your stakeholders won’t help. You need to discuss your business goals with them, take their advice, and keep them informed about the project's current status.

Maintaining a healthy relationship with your clients, team, and stakeholders requires regular communication. You should organize a meeting for the stakeholders to discuss the ins and outs of the project. Remember, your senior management or stakeholders approve the project charter. Until that, you can’t start work on a project. So, their involvement is a must.


Quality management makes your overall organizational workflow more efficient and streamlined. No matter the complexity of a project, a quality management strategy ensures that your project is completed on time and without compromising on its quality. If you are planning to scale your business, you need to implement a quality management strategy, which covers quality planning, assurance, and management in all projects, from start to finish.

Updated on: 18-Jan-2023


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