What is Product Roadmap in Agile?

A product roadmap is critical for interacting with how simple efforts coincide with future objectives. Knowing the significance of a roadmap and how and where to build an excellent one is vital for trying to keep everybody in your team on track.

Before we get into the "why" of the agile product roadmap, let's start with the "what."

What is Product Roadmap in Agile?

A product roadmap is a strategy that describes how well a product will continue to develop. Product managers use roadmaps to highlight new product features in the future and when additional features will be published.

When agile development uses a roadmap, it offers critical circumstances for the team's daily work while being responsive to developments in the marketplace. An individual product roadmap may be used by several agile teams.

Also, a product roadmap is a common source of data that details a product's viewpoint, direction, preferences, and development over time. Also, this is a strategic plan that lines up the company around the product's or project's both immediate and future objectives and how they'll be met. Let’s discuss how it is different from the traditional product roadmap.

Traditional Product Roadmap VS Agile Product Roadmap −

An agile product roadmap resembles a traditional product roadmap in that it is normally arranged by topics, key targets and goals, and additional features.

A traditional product roadmap is a deterministic, serial graphical portrayal that outlines brief input data that would lead to a long-term outcome and interacts with each task step.

An Agile product roadmap, on the other hand, is not stationary, but rather offers an adaptive way to monitor tasks and interact regarding strategic plans, instead of the practical steps or outcomes involved with the strategy.

For Whom are Roadmaps Intended?

Roadmaps are available in a variety of styles and deliver to a wide range of Customers. There are mainly two types of roadmaps used for product development.

One is an internal roadmap, and another is an external roadmap, and these are specially designed for various teams like development teams, sales teams, etc.

Internal Roadmap

  • Development Team − It depends on how your team wants to work, such roadmaps could be developed in a variety of ways. The most common variations include emphasizing consumer satisfaction as well as goal product releases and deadlines. Because many software developers use agile techniques, these roadmaps reflect changes made by training runs and depict specific work tasks and trouble spots on a timetable.

  • Sales Team − In the interest of facilitating business interactions, the internal roadmaps concentrate on unique features as well as client advantages. To eliminate trying to tie teammates to possibly missed deadlines, ignore such tough timeframes in selling roadmaps.

  • Executive Team − These internal strategies focus on how good teamwork contributes to overall organization objectives and performance. These are frequently organized by period or month to illustrate progress towards these achievements over time, and they normally contain very little information concerning comprehensive development articles and activities.

External Roadmap

Before consumers can arrive, the external roadmap must pique their interest. Keep in mind that they're eye-catching and simple to grasp. Those who should offer a larger, simplified vision of innovative features and emphasize trouble spots to pique consumers' desire to participate in the product's future path.

How to Build an Agile Product Roadmap?

Clarify your point of view before beginning to build an Agile product roadmap with a long-term view of your project. What worth would be given to clients, and what are the primary goals, targets, and important goals for the project? Set project key performance indicators by identifying key performance measures and achievements.

If it's viable, customize your Agile product roadmap to a target market. The roadmap you introduce to the development team would most probably need further details compared to the one you introduce to other relevant parties who simply want to grasp the project's greater technique, targets, and overall timelines.


From the above discussion, you have some clear ideas about the product roadmap in agile product development. It's a straightforward and essential aspect of the Agile framework. Make accurate, up-to-date, and productive guidelines that convey your product strategy to your team as well as customers.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023


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