What is Geotargeting Advertising?

There is always something fresh and intriguing to attract a customer's attention in today's buying market. Hence, marketers must use new, inventive strategies to reach and engage with their audience in order to achieve long-term success. This is where geotargeting may help.

Have you ever been watching a stream or a YouTube video when you're interrupted by an oddly targeted advertisement? The ad is for a new fastfood business that opened two blocks away from your home, and it is providing special offers to those within a 5-minute walking radius. It appears that you've become entangled in the web of geotargeted advertising.

How Does Geotargeting Work?

Geotargeting provides many benefits than you would think for businesses of all sorts and sizes. It allows you to target customers by city, state, zip code, organization, and a variety of other criteria. Based on their location, the objective is to show advertising to the client group that is most likely to respond and become a customer. As so many businesses rely on local consumers solely or in major ways, it makes more sense to target advertisements to people in a certain geographic region rather than paying for ads to be broadcast across a larger area.

Geotargeting is a very technological process. An IP address is assigned to every device that can connect to the Internet. The user's location is indicated by this IP address. Geotargeting pulls a user's geographic location from their IP address when they visit a website. Marketers typically use IP addresses or device IDs to determine where customers are on their mobile devices. They may even do it at the city or zipcode level using GPS signals or "geofencing."

Geotargeting may be done using real-time location information. A motorbike accessories firm, for example, may offer adverts to a user when they are visiting a motorcycle store. The advertisement is more likely to be effective because the person has an interest in bikes.

What is the Significance of Geotargeting?

The importance of geotargeting may be summed up in three words:

  • Geotargeting is critical for getting the most out of marketing dollars. Marketers who show adverts to consumers in relevant locations boost their chances of making a profit by focusing their resources on only the most relevant customers.

  • Geotargeting can help you gain clients at a reduced cost because you aren't wasting money on people who don't meet your target demographic.

  • Geotargeting allows you to find material that is relevant to you. You may use geotargeting to set up precise location criteria. As a result, you know to whom you're sending the message and may use the customized advertisement. To target the proper customer, the language, design, colors, and many other characteristics may be changed.

  • People seeking a company in your region might find yours first on search engines, thanks to geotargeting.

  • Some companies rely on foot traffic or home delivery to survive. They need to reach out to potential local clients. Restaurants, for example, have a better chance of attracting clients if they show in search engine results while consumers are nearby.

Examples of Geotargeting

In 2018, one of the most well-known (and witty) examples of a highly efficient geotargeting marketing campaign revolved around fast-food behemoths: Burger King and McDonald's. If a customer had gone to a McDonald's and ordered a Whopper through the Burger King app, the customer would only be charged a cent. This witty marketing tactic demonstrated the power of geotargeted adverts to the rest of the globe.

Dominos has been employing geofencing advertisements pretty frequently and efficiently, once again focused on another fast-food company. They already have users' addresses and phone numbers because they are a pizza delivery business. Domino's may then concentrate on different scenarios in order to close business.

Geotargeting Best Practices

For using geotargeting, you'll need to keep track of new and returning visitors to your website. Then figure out where the majority of your website's visitors come from. You may send them automated updates about your goods depending on their location as you learn what people are looking for on your website.

Following are some of the geotargeting best practices to consider −

  • Concentrate on the locations where your company provides services.

  • Determine which areas have the most conversion potential.

  • Make changes to your campaign.

  • Please provide your contact details.

  • Match the visitor's country of origin to the page language.

  • Adapt the aesthetic components to your needs.

  • Match the currency used in the area.

It is normal if you feel uneasy about getting these kinds of adverts. If you've turned off all location-based targeting but still see geotargeting advertising, double-check all of your app sharing permissions.

Updated on: 14-Apr-2022


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