What is Basic Communication Model?

The basic communication model in computer networking is where the Sender (encodes the message) channel sends a message over a channel or medium and receiver (decodes the message) gives Feedback.


The components involved in the successful implementation of the basic communication model are as follows −

  • Sender − Who sends the message.

  • Encodes − Translates messages into symbols like words, pictures, sound, etc.

  • Channel or medium − It used to transmit messages. Some channels are face-to-face communication, over telephone, letters, television, newspapers, radio, etc.

  • Decode − Receiver decodes these symbols to understand what the sender wants to say.

  • Receiver − A person who receives the message.

  • Feedback − After receiving a message, the receiver sends feedback to the sender, answer and what he understands from the message.

Sometimes noise is also part of the communication process and it disturbs the message and it will be difficult for the receiver to understand the exact message that the sender wants to send.

Communication can be verbal, written or by gestures.

In the basic communication model, the sender encodes the message and transmits the message through communication channels like verbal (face-to-face, over telephone, video calls) and non verbal (newspapers, letters) for sending the message.

Then, the receiver receives the message and decodes it according to their understanding and again sends feedback to the sender.

In this communication process, noise plays a role of disruption. If noise is there in the communication process then the receiver does not receive the exact message.

Example of Data Communication

Given below is the diagram of data communication in computer networks:

Message appeals

Let us see real life data communication which in terms of message appeals to customers or consumers −

Fear appeal

It is a negative appeal and it defines what negative outcomes can happen because of the action of consumers.

For example, toothpaste advertisements which show that if we do not use that product then our teeth become affected and we have to go to the dentist and it will be a painful process. So we have to use this toothpaste.

Emotional appeal

Some advertisements through which we get emotionally connected and buy that particular product.

Sex appeal

These advertisements convey a specific message to specific gender.

For example, alcohol brand advertisements target men in their advertisements. Cosmetic products appeal only to ladies.

Rational appeal

It emphasizes information, facts and details about the particular product. It provides logical reasons why consumers should choose this particular product from all the available alternatives.

Updated on: 15-Sep-2021

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