What is Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN)?

Peer-to-Peer Networking

Peer-to-peer computing, also known as peer-to-peer networking, is a shared application development that separates tasks or peer-to-peer workloads.

  • Peers are participants in the application who have the same opportunity and are similarly capable. They are supposed to create a peer-to-peer node network.

  • A collection of computers is joined together with equal permissions and responsibilities for data processing in peer-topeer (P2P) networking.

  • In contrast to traditional client-server networking, no device in a P2P network is wholly dedicated to serving or receiving data.

Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN)

The IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) includes Advanced Peer to-Peer Networking (APPN). It entails protocols that allow computers to connect rather than being controlled by a central server or another piece of hardware.

  • Distributed network controls, a unique network topology, and dynamic networking capabilities are all part of advanced peer-to peer networking.

  • Some of the advantages of using APPN include: Easy flow of network resources, automation of numerous registration and lookup activities, distributed control, and flexibility.

  • A prominent distinguishing feature of Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking is the reliability of the central hub, which is replaced by a system where one computer is placed as a network controller and designers install a peer-to-peer interaction without external influence.

How Does APPN Work?

Due to the dispersed nature of directory services, a Node only has to remember the resources that use its services. VTAM, on the other hand, can be used to centralize the directory services. It actively finds and specifies resources and routes and establishes sessions between any two sensible network units.

  • As previously stated, the APPN can comprehend and interpret network topology and hence determines the best accessible route between session partners. If the network topology changes, the topology is updated accordingly.

  • Class of service in APPN indeed extends out to the network's end nodes, rather than just between front-end processors as in traditional client-server systems, allowing for cost and other significant aspects to be defined.

Features of APPN

The following are some of the features of APPN −

  • Better dispersed network control; terminal faults can be isolated because the organization is peer-to-peer rather than entirely hierarchical.

  • Network topology information is exchanged dynamically between peers, allowing for quicker connections, reconfigurations, and routing.

  • Definition of access network resources on a dynamic basis

  • Registration of resources and directory lookups are automated.

  • APPN's flexibility allows it to be utilized in any network topology.

Benefits of APPN

Following are some of the benefits of using APPN −

  • Connections, routing, and reconfigurations are simplified thanks to a dynamic definition of available network resources.

  • Registration of resources and directory lookups are automated.

  • APPN's flexibility allows it to be utilized in any network topology.

  • It is simpler to set up, which saves time in terms of configuration and implementation.

  • Ability to pinpoint failures at the end of their life cycle.

  • It is inexpensive.

  • Unlike a traditional client-server network, which can fail if the central server fails, all nodes in a peer-to-peer network act as both a server and a client, eliminating the need for a dedicated or centralized server.

  • Because each client in a peer-to-peer network is a server, the network's speed rises as more clients join it, unlike a traditional client-system server.

Drawbacks of APPN

Following are some of the drawbacks of using APPN −

  • Files and Folders can't be backed up in a centralized location.

  • Because multiple users can access one computer, user performance may be hindered.

  • Because files and resources are saved on individual computers, they are not organized centrally and are challenging to find.

  • Apart from permissions, users rarely need to log onto their workstations. Hence there is little or no security.

  • It must be protected against virus attacks, or individual users will be responsible for any losses incurred from these assaults.

Updated on: 05-Nov-2021


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