What is a MAC Address, and How Do I Find It?

To confer or move data beginning with one PC and afterward onto the following PC, we need some area. In PC Associations, various types of addresses are introduced; each works at a substitute layer. The Media, Access Control Address, is a genuine area that works at the Data Association Layer.

What is MAC Address?

It is a contraption's genuine area, which especially recognizes it from a specific association.

Media Access Control is in the like manner suggested as a gear address, genuine area, or burned-in address (BIA).

It works on the OSI model's data interface layer. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), a layer 2 correspondence show, maps the Macintosh areas to the IP (Web Show) address.

In IEEE 802 standard, the data associate layer is separated into two sublayers −

  • Logical Link Control (LLC) Sublayer

  • Media Access Control (MAC) Sublayer

The Media Access Control sublayer, uses the MAC address.

It is delegated to the Association Point of NIC of any contraption that can interact with the Internet.

The trader gives the number at the hour of the contraption's creator, and it's embedded in its NIC (in this manner, the "consumed in" depiction), which regularly can't be changed.

The Configuration of a MAC Address

On the off chance that a LAN network has at least two gadgets with a similar Macintosh address, that organization won't work.

Assume three gadgets A, B, and C, are associated with an organization through a switch. The Macintosh locations of these gadgets are 11000ABB28FC, 00000ABB28FC, and 00000ABB28FC, separately. The NIC of gadgets B and C have a similar Macintosh address.

On the off chance that gadget A sends an information edge to location 00000ABB28FC, the switch will neglect to convey this casing to the objective, as it has two beneficiaries of this information outline.

Mac Address is 12-digit hexadecimal number (6-Byte twofold), generally tended to by Colon-Hexadecimal documentation. The Underlying 6-digits (say 00:40:96) of Mac Address recognizes the creator, called OUI ((Organizational Unique Identifier). IEEE Enlistment Authority Gathering designates these Mac prefixes to its enrolled merchants

Here are some OUI of eminent makers −

  • CC:46:D6 - Cisco

  • 3C:5A:B4 - Google, Inc

  • 3C:D9:2B - Hewlett Packard

  • 00:9A:CD - HUAWEI Advancements CO., LTD

The underlying 24 pieces (or three octets) are used as the Association Special Identifier (OUI), and 24 pieces are merchant express and named to and consumed into the NIC.

OUIs are given out to each vendor or relationship by the IEEE Selection Authority Board, so there's no duplication.

There are three possible plans −

  • Dash Hexadecimal documentation: 00-2s-99-f1-d2-4f

  • Colon-Hexadecimal documentation: 00:2s:99:f1:d2:4f

  • Period-Isolated Hexadecimal documentation: 00.2s99.f1d.24f

How to Find the MAC Address of a Gadget?

All around, you will view Macintosh tends as in the framework settings, general information, or association settings/status of your contraption. On occasion, it is engraved on an imprint secured to the lower part of a contraption.

It is fundamental to require note that producers at attempt use different names to portray, similar to Hardware ID, Genuine Area, Distant ID, Wi-Fi Address, etc.

For Various PC operating systems

For Windows PCs

  • Click on the Start menu in the base-left corner of your PC.

  • Select Run or type “cmd” into search bar at the base of the Start menu to open command prompt.

  • Type ipconfig/all (note space between the g and/).

  • The MAC address is recorded as a progression of 12 digits, recorded as the Actual Location (01:W2:72:8V:20:75, for instance). Each organization connector (remote, Ethernet, and so forth) has a different address.


  • Select Apple menu -> System Preferences.

  • Press on the Network symbol

  • Select the point of interaction you wish to utilize, then, at that point, press Advanced.

  • The MAC address is recorded under the Hardware tab

For Linux PCs

  • Open a terminal or console window.

  • Type ifconfig.

  • The MAC address is recorded as HWaddr in the arrangement of 97:69:34:75:VB.

For Chrome PCs

  • Sign in to Chromebook.

  • Press time (base right).

  • Press Network (left).

  • Press the network you might want to see MAC address for.

  • MAC address is recorded beneath.

FOR Advanced mobile phones

For Android

Gadget MAC

  • From Home, tap Menu -> Settings -> About Phone/Device.

  • Tap either Status or Hardware Information.

  • Look down to the WiFi MAC address.

Wireless Connection MAC

  • From Home, tap Menu -> Settings -> Connections.

  • Tap the Wi-Fi connection name.

  • Tap stuff for the current network.

  • Tap View More.

  • Look down to MAC Address.

For iOS

Gadget MAC

  • Tap Settings > General > About.

  • Look down to Wi-Fi Address.

Wireless Connection MAC

  • Tap Settings > Wi-Fi > then, at that point, tap i next to your wireless remote.

  • Look down to Wi-Fi Address.

Updated on: 25-Oct-2022


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