What information should you never reveal online?

If you didn't live under a rock from 2009, you're fully aware that social networking Websites are the newest and most inventive way to interact with other online users.

It's not rare for online users to give highly personal information without hesitation in today's hyper-connected digital environment. Even people who are cautious about posting their phone number or address online may have their personal information stolen in other ways.

People are increasingly conducting their business online. Online shopping, social networking, job hunting, and the ability to perform official duties online, such as renewing auto insurance or contacting local councils and government departments, have become commonplace. People cherish the ease and expanded opportunities that doing goods online can provide.

Organizations that collect and utilize your information owe you to keep it safe. You can, however, take several steps to protect yourself from identity theft or the misuse of your personal information, as well as to ensure that your privacy is respected in the way you choose.

Following are some of the sensitive information that you should never reveal online −

Personal Information

Your address, phone number, social security number, and birth date are all examples of confidential information about your identification. Also, don't provide this information about other family members. These are the kind of data that identity thieves are looking for. So, please don't make it easy for them by putting it on the Internet for all to see.

Information about money- Bank account numbers, loan numbers, and credit card numbers should be kept close to the breast. It's usually safe to use online banking and make credit card purchases on trusted sites, but be sure the web URL begins with "HTTPS," which indicates that additional protection is provided.


There are two sorts of location data to consider: active data that you choose to share and passive data collected by your apps and devices. We have the option of posting our current location. Whether we check in on Facebook, tag a photo on Instagram, or tweet our whereabouts, it's up to us.

It's recommended not to reveal sensitive information such as your home address. Photo sharing, on the other hand, can show your location. A photograph taken from your home and looking out the window may reveal a noteworthy landmark or street sign that could be used to identify your place.

However, passive data collecting occurs without your participation. Most of this information is sent to a firm rather than made public. If this is an app or company you trust with your data, you may be okay with this. However, it's worth checking the app's permissions and reading the site's privacy policy.

Do Not Take Personality Tests on Social Media from Unknown Sources

We've all seen it before: A data mining firm produces a charming personality questionnaire on social media with the sole intention of duping individuals into turning over their personal information—including, in some cases, private communications. Hackers also use benign surveys to persuade users to answer password security questions like the name of their first car or their first pet. Unless a reliable source releases a questionnaire or poll, avoid the temptation to find out your spirit animal or what age you look.

Personal Contact Information

When personal phone numbers and addresses are made public, there is likely to be someone who takes advantage of the information. Many social media platforms and services request such information; however, it is recommended to keep this information private. Additionally, do not post your phone number or address on public forums (or walls), as this will reveal your personal information to third parties.

Information about Your Company

You may be itching to tell everyone about your new job promotion, but if it's information that could benefit one of your company's competitors, you shouldn't disclose it. Any information regarding a projected expansion or a significant project role, as well as any other information about your workplace, should be kept confidential.

If you want to send a message, be selective and use private e-mail addresses. Many businesses are so concerned about not being included in social networking sites that they prohibit employees from using Facebook at work. Some IT companies go so far as to filter URLs and prevent access to these sites entirely so that staff isn't enticed to log on.


Would you be willing to reveal your ATM pin? Then don't give out your Facebook password to anyone.

This one sounds obvious, but if it hadn't happened, Facebook wouldn't have felt compelled to include it at the top of its list of things you shouldn't share. Sharing your password with a friend so that they can log on and check something for you is dangerous. This is especially seen among couples who believe they have enough trust to divulge such details.

Photographs of Your Children

People frequently upload photos of their family on social networking sites, but if you're one of the 40% of users who don't restrict access to your profile, those photos are visible to everyone. It's a sad reality, yet many predators use the Internet to track their prey. Nobody expects something terrible to happen to them until it does; therefore, prioritizing safety when utilizing social networking sites is a good idea. Send family images only to a restricted number of trustworthy friends and co-workers you know will not disclose them, just as you would with other private concerns.

Updates and Vacation Plans

We strongly advise against publishing frequent location updates and other posts of this nature. While it may seem natural to keep your social network up to date on your daily activities, numerous malevolent parties are waiting to pounce on such information. Several people have been harassed, and their homes have been broken into due to a revealing status update.

Information overexposure is something that should be avoided at any time. Think twice before posting or sharing anything on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. Malicious parties, authorities, and possible online predators can all see the information. Aside from that, make sure your system and all of the programs you use are up to current. Make sure your system protection software is up to date as well.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2022


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