What are the instructional Design Trends and Learning Trends?

Learning at work may now be considered an ecosystem, which represents one of the most significant changes in L&D understanding in recent years. It's a complicated, interconnected system of both formal and informal education, not just a random assortment of classes, workshops, and webinars. Learning is a process, not a one-time thing. You advance along this learning path each time you take in knowledge from the media, colleagues, content owned by your organization, and content not controlled by it.

The learner-centered approach to learning is the second significant difference. This has been widely known for a while, but it is now close to breaking. Indeed, it should be in line with your company's objectives and inspire learners to stay attentive and focused.

This is the intriguing vantage point from which we, as key suppliers and providers to review and updated to reflect on some of the most fascinating, inventive, and dynamic businesses in the world, and observe the globe. We collaborate with a variety of L&D leaders and have a broad view of the industry. We are aware of what thrills and, to be very honest, greatly irritates them. And we are both excited and frustrated in the same way. When we consider the learning and instructional design trends for 2019, solutions aren't the sole thing that comes to mind, which may be a radical idea. Consider the issue instead. The areas where ecosystem evolution is hampered.

Crucial Instructional Design and Learning Trends

One-Size to Fit all the Learning

Students are unique individuals, not replicas. People who enroll in your courses, participate in your workshops, or put on a Virtual reality headset to take your coaching do so with a variety of experiences, backgrounds, and prior knowledge. Why then do they all receive the same education? Is it that giving them something personalized is difficult?

Not as difficult as you may think, and we were already doing it before the phrase "adaptive learning" was created. Has indeed this become a trend at the top of everyone's lists, we questioned our staff.

Additionally, technological advancements make it simpler to evaluate each learner's prior expertise and skills and to provide them with access to the studying they desire and require. Intelligent learning paths and actionable insights for learning experiences can be provided by artificial intelligence incorporated into learning systems

It's important to keep in mind that effective adaptive learning "is not carried on the strength of the technology or the AI, it's the strength of the content analysis," according to John Cleave, Ph.D., Learning Technologist at SweetRush. Technology can make serving up the right content simpler and more intuitive. In light of this, examine the tendency for learner experience design to replace instructional design as the role's official name and primary focus. With its focus on empathy and placing oneself in the user's shoes, design thinking techniques are becoming more popular in forward analysis and solution creation.

The creation of beginner personas has become popular, borrowing a marketing strategy. This entails segmenting your target learner audience into several subgroups of like-minded and experienced persons and tailoring the learning experience to each subgroup's requirements. Performing empathy maps and learners’ focus group discussions as part of the assessment and solution design is more exciting than in the past since it forces us to confront our preconceived notions about learners and uncover their true learning preferences.

Technology also enables us to examine user behavior more closely and employ clickstream analysis to enhance digital learning. Which route do they follow? What makes them stuck? How can we add or remove training wheels when it's appropriate? Successful pilots and upgrading learning programs to make programs more effective will depend on tools and techniques to evaluate that interaction data.

Lastly, learners may select the information that speaks to them and reply to it on networks with socialization built in, providing a combination of a personalized experience and a human connection.

Boring, Disconnected, Hectic Classroom Training

Face-to-face training, often known as instructor-led training or ILT, is very well-liked by both learners and businesses in spite of its frequent downsides. we comprehend

Even if it's awful, it's a change from the routine. Also, it enables students to network, make new friends, and perhaps even pick the brains of others.

Even while there will still be some need for classroom instruction, the geographic dispersal of students and cost savings are driving more students online. Once more, this is an old trend. For many years, we have been transforming ILT into eLearning. However innovative and intriguing new approaches to solving these problems are emerging.

More "conversion," not less. The emphasis is on maintaining student motivation, fostering student networking, and reintroducing skills to the workforce. In the past, switching from ILT to eLearning meant doing some eLearning before work and less ILT. Now, we have developed comprehensive programs that combine a variety of delivery methods, including eLearning (which is, of course, mobile-accessible), identity exercises, simulated instructor-led training (vILT), group activities (live as well as virtual), role-plays, coaching, and action plans.

These programs are also gamified, have branding and marketing components, and incorporate social learning. The term blended learning has recently been proposed to be replaced by blended experiences, which feels like a nice evolution of our instructional design and learning trends for 2019. In the event that classroom instruction proves to be the best course of action, death by the socket. Modern ILT should be an engaging learning environment with digital and analog games, simulations, and ancillary mobile apps that promote networking, keep students' attention, and push resources.

Dull Webinar

Unimaginable standing lectures are bad enough in an actual classroom, but in a virtual setting when there are countless distractions available, they are a catastrophe. Come on, it's so simple to make oneself stand out when you don't have a personalized administrator to hold you responsible.

Finding innovative ways to combine peer-to-peer education with social learning that occurs more naturally and personally without interruptions or squandered time seems to be the vILT Holy Grail. The technology for virtual meetings appears to be improving with some new participants (like Zoom), yet how many administrators are still exhaling when using the breakout room feature? Team building exercises and gamification are more effective. Outside of the virtual classroom, teams collaborate to complete tasks, talk about ideas, role-play, and score points. Bring this team's enthusiasm back to vILT after that.

The Annual Review

Yearly performance appraisals have lost their relevance. You must continuously learn how to get better at what you do, just like you have to continuously get criticism. This will support your progress in the areas you need to study and develop the most, while also pointing out your weaknesses.

Therefore, it's crucial that feedback is bottom-up as well. Some people are adept at "riding" by nature. Yet, it's crucial that your employees collaborate better with one another, their groups, and the individuals that lead or lead them if you want to create a positive business culture.

Performance feedback apps that make it simple for workers to provide feedback about one another have received a lot of attention as a result of this demand. You see, memories fade, and accurate feedback is essential for the best results. Social learning and gamification can also be combined. Workers can accumulate points for imparting their expertise and establish themselves as authorities in their sector.


How fortunate we all are to operate in such a thriving and dynamic sector with a goal to better people's lives via education, as we frequently remark from the heart. Indeed, we have a lot of obstacles to overcome, but with talent, wisdom, and innovation in this field, we can work together to conquer even the most difficult ones.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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