What are the differences between split offs and carve outs?

Care-outs, split-offs, spin-offs and splits-ups are commonly used divestiture methods by corporations in order to maintain their portfolio strategy and to achieve their financial goals.


Carve-out is the process of dividing the secondary company from its original or parent company. Dividing in the sense the secondary company is now a newly independent company and it has no shadow of its parent organization.

Newly formed company has its own board of directors. In carve-outs shares of the parent company will be sold or distributed in initial public offering (IPO). They are not distributed to existing shareholders.


The advantages of carve outs are as follows −

  • Both parent and newly formed companies have advantage from this carve-out.

  • Both companies can now focus only on their main or own objectives.

  • Can earn more profits as separate entities than as a merged one.


It is a term used in corporations where an entity from the parent company divests with certain terms. In this shareholders will get an opportunity to maintain their in parent company or they can trade for a new entity. Some companies offer a premium to shareholders to boost their stocks.


The advantages of split-offs are as follows −

  • It is a kind of repurchase of shares where cash is not used.

  • Stock of subsidiary companies can be used as buyback stock.

  • Stock dilution is neutralized.


The major differences between a split off and carve out are as follows −

Split offsCarve outs
New entity is formed from the parent company.New entity is created from the parent company.
Parent company is not shut.Shares of the new entity are sold through IPO (initial public offering).
Shareholders can opt to hold the shares in the parent company or trade their shares to a new entity.No shares are distributed to existing shareholders.
Transactions of parent company and new entity are differentiated.Main aim is to achieve the objectives, which are not considered by the parent company.
Parent company can’t enjoy tax benefits.There are Tax benefits
Premium is offered to shareholders, after they traded their shares to a new entity.Less than 20% of parent company stock can be sold through IPO.
Shares are issued to the general public.

Updated on: 16-May-2022


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