What are the differences between Amazon S3 and Ubuntu One?

Let us understand the concepts of Amazon S3 and Ubuntu One before learning the differences between them.

Amazon S3

It is a database service offered by the Amazon Company as a repository for the internet. It provides quick access to data objects along with their storage along with security, performance reliability and at economical prices. S3 is a Simple Storage Service.


The features of Amazon S3 are as follows −

  • In order to access S3 Storage you need to have an AWS account.

  • It offers a pay per use model where you need to pay for only the storage space which you have actually used.

  • It can be used to store many kinds of data objects like text files, excel csv files along with images and snapshots (backup copies) of the data volumes.

  • You may use it for recovering data quickly and reliably in case of application failures.


The advantages of Amazon S3 are as follows −

  • Extensive documentation

  • Offering SDKs for many programming languages

  • Stability and peace of mind

  • Reasonable prices

  • Different storage classes for each necessity

  • High durability

  • Amazon S3 can easily integrate with other AWS products

  • It is going to offer many regions to store your data

  • Allows simple server-side encryption

  • new users can receive 5 GB free storage every month during the first year


The disadvantages of Amazon S3 are as follows −

  • They require the AWS Support Plan that billed separately

  • Downloading data it’s a bit expensive

  • It requires configuring additional AWS services like IAM.

  • It has a complex pricing schema

Ubuntu One

It provides a collection of software that consists of applications like file manager, PDF viewer, text editor, video player, and archiving utility by default. The system is launched by a UK based company called Canonical Ltd.


The features of Ubuntu One are as follows −

  • Backslashes are used in Ubuntu like /home/name.

  • Ubuntu doesn’t have drive letters.

  • Just as every mounted file system is a directory under / (the root directory), everything on Ubuntu is a file.

  • Ubuntu has open source apps mainly

  • Ubuntu is much cheaper

  • Ubuntu was designed with a multi user scenario.

  • Only the administrator or the root user has permission to access the kernel.

  • Flexible and scalable implementation is possible with Ubuntu.

  • For education, testing environment etc Ubuntu is better as this is cost effective at the same time as easy inclement.


The advantages of Ubuntu are as follows −

  • For computing it is a Free Operating System.

  • The software can easily be customized.

  • It is famous in Developing Unique Programs

  • Updates are simple

  • For Documentation it is a great option.

  • Ubuntu is more secure when compared to other operating systems

  • Launchpad Is Good.


The disadvantages of Ubuntu are as follows −

  • Experts can operate

  • Difficult To Migrate

  • Tough To Understand Operating

  • Functionalities are limited.

  • Hardware & Software Complications

  • Gaming purpose it is not good

  • Limited customer support.

The firewall options available for ubuntu are listed below

  • IPCop Firewall

  • Vuurmuur

  • IPfire

  • Endian

  • ConfigServer Security Firewall

  • pfSense

  • Shorewall


The major differences between Ubuntu One and Amazon S3 are as follows −

Ubuntu OneAmazon S3
Ubuntu One was launched in the year 2009 by Canonical Limited.Amazon S3 was launched by Amazon in the year 2006.
Ubuntu One offers 5 GB free storage space.Amazon S3 offers free storage space.
Ubuntu offers unlimited storage space for the paid version.Amazon S3 provides unlimited maximum storage space.
Ubuntu One supports developer APIAmazon S3 supports Developer API REST and SOAP.
Ubuntu One provides file hosting, file synchronization and cloud storage service.Amazon S3 provides file hosting service and cloud storage service.
Ubuntu One maximum file size was 5 GB per file.The maximum file size of Amazon S3 is 5GB per file.
Ubuntu One had a band-width limit.Amazon S3 has a band-width limit.
Ubuntu One does not require credit card details for free service.Amazon S3 requires credit-card details for free service.
Ubuntu One was suspended in the year 2014.Amazon S3 is still in use.

Updated on: 21-Mar-2022


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