What are TestNG and JUnit Frameworks in Selenium?

JUnit and TestNG are the most popular testing frameworks for Java applications or Selenium. Both frameworks are easy to use. So, when it comes to choose the testing framework for your application, it’s better to have a high−level idea of what features are present in one or the other and then take the informed decision based on your project requirements.

In this article, we will discuss about JUnit and TestNG.

What is TestNG

Definition of TestNG as per its documentation is as follows −

TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use.

TestNG is an open−source automated testing framework, where NG means NextGeneration. TestNG is similar to JUnit (especially JUnit 4), but it is not a JUnit extension. It is inspired by JUnit. It is designed to be better than JUnit, especially when testing integrated classes. The creator of TestNG is Cedric Beust.

Eliminating most of the limitations of the older framework, TestNG gives the developer the ability to write more flexible and powerful tests. As it heavily borrows from Java Annotations (introduced with JDK 5.0) to define tests, it can also show you how to use this new feature of the Java language in a real production environment.

What is JUnit?

JUnit has driven developers to understand the usefulness of tests, especially of unit tests, when compared to any other testing framework. Leveraging a rather simple, pragmatic, and strict architecture, JUnit has been able to "infect" great number of developers. Do look at our tutorial on JUnit to have a good understanding of its features. JUnit, at the same time, has some shortcomings as well, which are listed below −

  • Initially designed to enable unit testing only, now used for all kinds of testing.

  • Cannot do dependency testing.

  • Poor configuration control (setUp/tearDown).

  • Intrusive (forces you to extend classes and name your methods a certain way).

  • Static programming model (forces you to recompile unnecessarily).

  • The management of different suites of tests in complex projects can be very tricky.

Junit vs TestNG

JUnit current version is 5.7.1 and it’s still evolving and working on to include more features. TestNG current version is 7.4.0 and it’s mature and features rich.

Following table compares JUnit vs TestNG on different features. The table excludes very specific or common features that are present in both these frameworks, such as testing exceptions, timeout settings, lifecycle call−back methods etc.






Annotations Based

Annotations Based

Both JUnit 5 and TestNG are annotation based. They are similar in nature and behaviour.

Ease of Use

JUnit 5 is built into various modules; you need JUnit Platform and JUnit Jupiter to write test cases. If you want more features such as Parameterized Tests, then you need to add junit−jupiter−params module.

Single module to get all TestNG feature.

TestNG is better in terms of ease of use.

IDE Support

Supported on major IDEs such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA.

Supported on major IDEs such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA.

Both of them are similar and provides easy integration with major IDEs.

Data Provider

Supports multiple ways to provide test data, such as methods, Enum, CSV, CSV Files etc.

Supports data provider methods and from test suite xml file.

JUnit is better for injecting test methods input data

Test Suite

In JUnit, Test Suite is run using @RunWith and @Suite annotations.

TestNG uses an XML file to run Suite test.

HTML Reports

JUnit need external plugin maven−surefire−report−plugin to generate HTML reports.

TestNG automatically creates HTML reports for the test run.

TestNG HTML reports look outdated but it’s simply to use. If you have to share HTML reports with others, recommended to use JUnit.

Running from Java Main Method

We can use JUnit 5 launcher API to run tests from java main method.

We can use TestNG run() method to execute tests from the java main method.

Both of them supports execution of test cases from java main method.


JUnit provides enough assertion methods to compare expected and actual test results.

TestNG provides enough assertion methods to compare expected and actual test results.

Both of them are similar in terms of Assertions support.


JUnit supports assumptions to skip tests based on certain conditions.

TestNG doesn’t support assumptions.

JUnit is better if you want to skip tests based on conditions.

Test Order

Junit does not support Test Order.

TestNG supports Test Order for ordering test methods according to priority attribute.

TestNG is better when you want to execute tests in specific order.

Disable Tests

JUnit supports many ways to disable and enable tests. For example, based on OS, JRE, system properties.

TestNG supports disabling tests but it’s limited in functionality.

JUnit is better when you want to disable or enable tests based on conditions.

Parallel Execution

JUnit 5 doesn’t support parallel execution yet.

TestNG supports parallel execution if run through XML suite.

TestNG is better for parallel execution as of now, JUnit 5 development is going on to support this feature.


JUnit supports listeners through Launcher API, there is no mechanism to add listeners using annotations.

TestNG supports various types of listeners and can be added using annotations.

TestNG listener support is much better compared to JUnit 5.

Updated on: 21-Aug-2023


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