What Are Keywords Shortcuts for Youtube?

YouTube, is one of the most popular free video portals, the majority of people use it only, probably several times in the whole day. YouTube is the premier platform for watching and sharing video content on the internet and is a well-loved part of every generation today, so the innovators of YouTube have been making innovations to the online video player since it was invented.

Group 1

Pause and Resume

When watching a YouTube video, there is a time when we want to pause and resume the video. This category teaches how to pause and resume using the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut Function
'K' Play and Pause (Works as a toggle key)
'Spacebar' Play and Pause (Works as a toggle key)

Group 2

Scrolling Videos Back and Forth

This section has shortcut keys to skim the video forward and backward during playback.

Keyboard Shortcut Function
'L' Skip the video 10 seconds forward
'J' Skip the video 10 seconds backward
'→'(Right Arrow) Skip the video 5 seconds forward
'←'(Left Arrow) Skip the video 5 seconds backward
'SHIFT' + 'N' Skip to the next video in the playlist or to the next suggested video
'K' or 'Spacebar'; then '.'(Period) Pressing 'K' or 'Spacebar' pauses the video; pressing the '.' (Period) key repeatedly moves the video forward one frame at a time (Period key on the Numpad isn't supported)
'K' or 'Spacebar'; then ','(Comma) Pressing 'K' or 'Spacebar' pauses the video; pressing the ',' (Comma) key repeatedly moves the video backward one frame at a time (Period key on the Numpad isn't supported)
'O' (Zero) Takes the video to the beginning

Group 3

Playback speed

These shortcuts are for increasing or decreasing the playback speed of a YouTube video.

Keyboard Shortcut Function
'SHIFT' +'.' (Period) Increase playback speed
'SHIFT' + ',' (Comma) Decrease playback speed

Group 4

Manage captions

These keys manage the caption while watching a video.

Keyboard Shortcut Function
'C' Enable or disable captions (Works as a toggle key)
'O' (The letter O) Increase or decrease the brightness level of the captions (Works as a toggle key)
'W' Enable, increase, and disable the background transparency of the captions (Press multiple times to manage intensity)
'-'(Minus Key) Reduce the font size of the captions (Minus key on the Numpad isn't supported)
'+'(Plus Key) Increase the font size of the captions (Plus key on the Numpad isn't supported)

Group 5

Managing the Audio Video

These shortcut keys are to manage audio for a YouTube video.

Keyboard Shortcut Function
'M' Mute YouTube video
'↑' Increase volume by 5%
'↓' Decrease volume by 5%

Group 6

Switching Between the Screen Modes

These shortcut keys enable us to switch between different screen modes while watching videos.

Keyboard Shortcut Function
'F' Switch between the full-screen and normal mode (Works as a toggle key)
'T' Switch between the theater and normal mode (Works as a toggle key)
'I' Switch between the independent player and normal mode (Works as a toggle key)

Group 7

Viewing 360o and VR Videos

The navigation and management of shortcut keys for 360o and Virtual Reality (VR) view of the video,

Keyboard Shortcut Function
'W', 'A', 'S', 'D' Up, left, down, and right camera panning respectively
'+'(Plus Key on Numpad) Zoom in
'-'(Minus Key on Numpad) Zoom out
'-'(Minus Key on Keyboard) Decrease font size
'+'(Plus Key on Keyboard) Increase font size

Group 8

Seek with number keys

Press the 5 number key and the video will jump to the middle point. That’s because 5 takes us to 50% in the video. Each key corresponds to a percentage for example 1 is 10%, 2 is 20%, 3 is 30%, and so on. The 0 key takes us to 0%, the start of the video. Pressing Home takes us back to the start of the video and pressing End takes us to the end of the video.


Do you need to learn all these keywords? The answer is no. you need not cram all the shortcut keys as YouTube provides a shortcut key to see all short cut keys. Getting confused, no need. Just press SHIFT +? and you will see a full list of shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcut Function
'SHIFT' +'?' Show the important keyboard shortcuts assigned for YouTube

When the above shortcut is pressed the list of shortcuts appears on the screen like below.

Scroll down to see more


Most people aren't aware of the YouTube video keyboard shortcuts. How does it feel to join the 20% of people who can browse faster and easier on YouTube? Watching videos on YouTube is fun, and we can enjoy the clips, movies, tutorials, etc. even more if we are well-aware of the important shortcut keys. This not only helps us to navigate through the videos faster but also gives us relief from the additional efforts that are made while grabbing the mouse, and then looking for and using the correct option thus YouTube keyboard shortcuts to easily navigate the platform and control your video playback.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2022


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