What are different types of computers according to their size in C?

Computer is an electronic device which can used to store data and to perform operations, based on the size of computer, the computer may be divided into four types they are −

  • Micro-computer (small)
  • Mini-computer (medium)
  • Mainframe computer (large)
  • Supercomputer (very large)


The CPU used in micro-computer is microprocessor, it originated in the late 1970’s. The first micro-computer is around 8-bit microprocessor chips.

The chip with 8-bit can retrieve data/instruction from storage, process and manipulate at a time. The cost of micro-computers is economical and are friendly in use. Personal com­puters (PCs) can fall into this category.


It originated in the 1960’s. Initially the mini-computers were 8 and 12 bit machines but in the 1970’s almost all mini-computers were 16-bit machines. The 16-bit mini-computer advantage is large instruction set and address field and efficient storage.


It originated in the 1960’s. Initially the mini-computers were 8 and 12 bit machines but in the 1970’s almost all mini-computers were 16-bit machines. The 16-bit mini-computer advantage is large instruction set and address field and efficient storage.

Mini computers are bigger than micro­computers but smaller than mainframes. The cost of mini-computers is somewhere between Rs. 5 to 15 lac depending upon the configuration.


Mainframes are generally 32 bit processors. These are suited to big organizations to manage high volume applications. Main frames are also used as central host computers in distributed systems.

The speed of mainframes process­ing is expressed in terms of 10 to 100 million of instructions per second, and their cost is somewhere between 1 to 5 million dollars depending upon the configuration.


Supercomputer is the upper end of a state-of-the-art mainframe machine. These are almost the fastest machines in terms of processing speed and use multiprocessing technique’s where a number of processors are used to solve a problem.

The size of computer is primarily on the basis of three basic factors −

Those three factors are as follows −

  • The primary storage capacity

  • Speed of processing data

  • Capability to support different input, output and mass storage devices like printers, tape drives, etc.

Updated on: 03-Sep-2021


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