What are differences between OneDrive and ZumoDrive?

Let us understand the concepts of OneDrive and ZumoDrive before learning the differences between them.


OneDrive is a Microsoft cloud service which connects all your files. It helps us to store and protect our files, share them with others and we can access them from anywhere. It is a file hosting service available in 107 languages.

It was launched in 2007 by Microsoft as a web version of office. It offers 5GB of storage space for free and a paid version if it offers a space of 100 GB, 1 TB, and 6 TB available either separately or with Office 365 subscriptions.


The features of OneDrive are as follows −

  • Larger sized documents can be shared

  • It has access control and permission management features.

  • It is a cost effective software and also reliable with content management

  • Syncing your data files to your OneDrive app

  • Resolved syncing issue

  • Sharing files with others


The advantages of OneDrive are as follows −

  • One drive is an affordable service

  • It provides a large amount of storage for very less.

  • Access with mobile and desktop which makes it very convenient

  • Remote Access and File sharing concept


The disadvantages of OneDrive are as follows −

  • Its integrations into other operating systems,

  • Uploading file with larger size takes time.

  • Document management is slightly difficult

  • Syncing issues can occur.

  • User interface could be improved.

  • OneDrive email app can focus more on spam filtering.


It was owned by Zecter in the year 2009 and is the hybrid cloud storage which is used to store all your media. It is supported by Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, webOS operating system.

It is designed to connect to the Internet and adds a Windows Firewall. When we install it, it will add a context menu handler to the Windows shell in order to provide quick access to the program.

zumodrive.exe is an executable program which has seen to consume an average CPU of less than one percent, and utilizes about 44.63 MB of memory.

The users can store and sync files online in ZumoDrive, and also between computers using their Hybrid Cloud storage solution. It is extraordinarily simple to use, transparent when it comes to your device experience, and equally functional on whichever platforms your various devices may run on.


The features of Zumodrive are as follows −

  • Share files and folders.

  • Scheduled backup

  • File protection

  • Sync Folder

  • Scheduled Backup.

  • Resumes after Interruption.

  • Incremental Backup.


The advantages of Zumodrive are as follows −

  • Cloud storage of ZumoDrive works like a regular hard drive on your computer

  • It has Automatic Sync

  • ZumoDrive is Safe and Secure


The disadvantages of Zumodrive are as follows −

  • Large storage plans are expensive

  • We will lose data and files if we delete our cache files on the computer.

  • We have to go through the entire import process again to update iTunes, if we add new music files to ZumoDrive.


The major differences between ZumoDrive and OneDrive are as follows −

ZumoDriveOne Drive
It was owned by Zecter Incorporation in the year 2009OneDrive was launched by Microsoft in the year 2007.
ZumoDrive offers 2 GB free storage space.OneDrive offers 5 GB free storage space.
Maximum storage size offered was 500 GB in ZumoDrive.OneDrive provides 5 TB maximum storage space for the paid version.
Maximum file had no limit in ZumoDrive.OneDrive provides a maximum file size of 100 GB.
ZumoDrive provides file hosting service and file synchronization service.One Drive provides file hosting service and cloud storage service.
ZumoDrive did not have client-side encryption.Files are not encrypted
ZumoDrive was suspended in 2012.OneDrive is still in use.
ZumoDrive used to store both personal and professional data.One Drive is used to store professional data

Updated on: 21-Mar-2022


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