Wave inside Text using pure CSS

Developers can use CSS to add animation to the HTML element. Here, we will use CSS to add a wavy effect inside the text. It will look like a real wave in text

Here, we have three approaches to add a wavy effect to the text. We will take a look at all approaches one by one.


Users can follow the syntax below to add a wavy effect to the text.

@keyframes wavey {
   100% {
      /* add initial clip-path */
   50% {
      /* final clip  path */

In the above syntax, we have created the keyframe, which is used to add animation to the text by changing the clip path of the text.

Example 1

In the example below, we created two <p> elements and added the same text inside both. Using CSS, we have placed text in such a way so that both override each other. We have set transperent color and a blue border for the first text value. For the second text, we have set the red color and wavy animation for the interval of 5 seconds.

To add animation, we change the value of the clip-path property. In CSS, clip-path property is used to show a particular region of the element and hides the other region by masking it out. For example, here we show the polygon in the text with the particular co-ordinates and hide the other region of the second text value.

      .head {
         font-size: 30px;
         font-weight: 300;
      /* set transparent color for first text */
      .text:nth-child(1) {
         color: transparent;
         -webkit-text-stroke: 1px blue;
      /* set wavy effect in the second text */
      .text:nth-child(2) {
         color: red;
         animation: wavey 5s ease-in-out infinite;
      .text {
         font-size: 6rem;
         position: absolute;
      /* Add animation to the second text using the clip-path CSS property. */
      @keyframes wavey {
         100% {
            clip-path: polygon(0 45%, 6% 38%, 20% 27%,
            38% 24%, 40% 47%, 49% 64%, 51% 72%,
            74% 78%, 79% 75%, 100% 67%, 100% 100%,
            0 100%);
         50% {
            clip-path: polygon(0 59%, 5% 71%, 24% 86%,
            34% 71%, 41% 64%, 41% 46%, 51% 35%,
            74% 21%, 89% 35%, 100% 42%, 100% 100%,
            0 100%);
   <p class = "text"> TUTORIALSPOINT </p>
   <p class = "text"> TUTORIALSPOINT </p>
   <div class = "head"> Adding the <i> Wave effect inside the text </i> using HTML and CSS </div>

Example 2

In the example below, we used the ‘radial-gradient’ and ‘background-position’ CSS properties to add wavy effects to the HTML element. Here, we have added the radial gradient to the text with the same shape, same position, and a different color for every 25% part of the text.

In the animation keyframes, we change the background position of the background element, which moves the background element and generates the wavy effect in the text.

      .text {
         display: inline-block;
         padding: 10px;
         font-size: 40px;
         font-weight: bold;
         /* adding background using a gradient to the text */
         radial-gradient(100% 54% at top, blue 99%, red) calc(0*100%/3) 0,
         radial-gradient(100% 58% at bottom, red 99%, blue) calc(3*100%/3) 0,
         radial-gradient(100% 58% at top, blue 99%, red) calc(6*100%/3) 0,
         radial-gradient(100% 58% at bottom, red 99%, blue) calc(9*100%/3) 0;
         /* set up background size and repeat */
         background-size: 50% 100%;
         background-repeat: no-repeat;
         /* setup text as a background clip */
         -webkit-background-clip: text;
         color: transparent;
         background-clip: text;
         animation: wavy 2s infinite linear;
      @keyframes wavy {
         /* change background-position */
         to {
            calc(-6*100%/3) 0,
            calc(-3*100%/3) 0,
            calc(0*100%/3) 0,
            calc(3*100%/3) 0;
   <h2>Adding the <i> Wave effect inside the text </i> using HTML and CSS</h2>
   <div class = "text">Welcome to the TutorialsPoint!</div>

Example 3

In the example below, rather than adding the wavy effect inside the text, we move every character of the text like a wave. Here, we have added every character of the text in the <span> element. After that, we added wave-text animation on every character.

In the ‘wave-text’ animation, we move the character in the Y direction using the transform CSS property. After that, we added the animation delay for every character by accessing characters using the ‘nth-child’ CSS property.

      .text {
         margin-top: 5rem;
      .text span {
         display: inline-block;
         font-size: 3rem;
         color: blue;
         animation: wave-text 1.4s ease-in-out infinite;
      .text span:nth-child(1) {
         animation-delay: 0.0s;
      .text span:nth-child(2) {
         animation-delay: 0.1s;
      .text span:nth-child(3) {
         animation-delay: 0.2s;
      .text span:nth-child(4) {
         animation-delay: 0.3s;
      .text span:nth-child(5) {
         animation-delay: 0.4s;
      .text span:nth-child(6) {
         animation-delay: 0.5s;
      .text span:nth-child(7) {
         animation-delay: 0.6s;
      @keyframes wave-text {
         0% {
            transform: translateY(0rem);
         55% {
            transform: translateY(-1.5rem);
         100% {
            transform: translateY(0rem);
   <h2>Adding the <i> Wave effect inside the text </i> using HTML and CSS</h2>
   <div class = "text">
      <span> H </span>
      <span> T </span>
      <span> M </span>
      <span> L </span>
      <span> C </span>
      <span> S </span>
      <span> S </span>

Users learned to add the wavy effect inside the text. In the first approach, we used the ‘clip-path’ property to clip text in a polygon shape and add a wavy effect. In the second approach, we used the ‘radial-gradient’ and ‘background-position’ CSS properties for the animation. In the last approach, we transform the whole text using the ‘transform’ CSS property.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2023


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