Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 address

Many companies have prioritized migration to IPv6 since there is practically no inventory of IPv4 addresses left. However, switching to IPv6 without a lengthy transition procedure is next to impossible. This is due to the fact that IPv6 has never been backward compatible with IPv4. This implies that when hosts and routers are upgraded to IPv6, the old system continues to function alongside the new one without requiring any additional adjustments.

Network Transition from IPv4 to IPv6

Here are a few techniques for easing the transition between IPV4 and IPV6 systems to tackle the problem of interoperability.


When switching from IPv4 to IPv6, this is one of the simplest ways to utilize. Install any router with both IPv4 and IP6 address on its interfaces, and then point the network to the appropriate IP scheme. A dual-stack router can communicate with both IPv6 and IPv4 networks at the same time.

It provides a framework for hosts to connect to a server without having to change their IP versions. Many organizations, however, find that IPv6 does not operate on all of their IPv4 equipment. This necessitates the examination of alternative transition methods.


Anyone with an understanding of networking will be able to comprehend the tunneling idea. A data packet is encased in a common interface that allows it to be interchanged, making it easier to transfer it from its source to its destination. The data is then de-capsulated and retransmitted. For IPv6, there are several tunneling concepts. They are as follows −

Manual IPv6 Tunnels

The IPv6 tunnel is produced manually and then configured in a pair of routers that works for both IPv4 and IPv6. Any incoming data destined for networks on the other side of the tunnel is encapsulated in a mutual interface on the origin router and tunneled through the IPv4 system.

Generic Routing Encapsulation IPv6 Tunnels

this technology was created particularly for IPv6 tunneling. Its setup and operation are quite similar to that of manual tunnels. Not only can the system function with IPv4, but it can also work with a wide range of other network protocols. IPv6 to IPv4 and vice versa are tunneled using a generic routing encapsulation tunnel.


This approach is distinct from the previously described transition strategies. It allows you to convert IPv4 data to IPv6 data and vice versa. Instead of being encapsulated in a single convertible interface, traffic is translated to the target type, whether IPv4 or IPv6. In IPv6 networks, there are two translation techniques. These are the following −

Network Access Translation

The ability to dynamically configure an IPv4 address to an IPv6 address, and vice versa, is provided via network access translation. This technique connects to an application layer gateway that allows you to alter a protocol's domain name system mapping.


As an update to the network access translation protocol, this system is generally recognized. It has a stateful deployment option that allows you to keep track of your bindings.

Updated on: 28-Oct-2021

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