Top 30 Important Cloud Computing Terms

The role of cloud computing in today's commercial and consumer sectors is growing. The benefits exceed the negatives, and industry experts suggest that by the end of 2022, 83% of business workloads will be shifted to the cloud. Take a look at these top 30 important cloud computing terms in 2022.

Top 30 Important Cloud Computing Terms

1. Service Level Agreement

A Service Level Agreement, or SLA, as the name indicates, is an agreement between a cloud service provider and a client that covers all contract specifics such as availability, terms, and service, selected packages, performance, etc.

2. Cloud Service Provider

Cloud service providers are organizations or enterprises that give cloud services to other smaller businesses for a charge (sometimes for free). Among the most well-known cloud providers are Google, Microsoft, and Amazon.

3. Cloud Computing Architecture

Cloud computing architecture refers to the many software capabilities, databases, apps, and so on that are necessary to use the power of cloud resources to address difficult business challenges. It specifies the components as well as their connections.

4. Private Cloud

The Private Cloud refers to cloud services tailored to a specific enterprise's needs. Maintenance is often performed internally; however, it may be outsourced to a third-party cloud service provider in rare situations.

5. Public Cloud

The public cloud is the second type of cloud, and it generally refers to services owned and operated by businesses that are made available to the public. In most circumstances, the public cloud is free, and users are not required to acquire any specific software or hardware.

6. Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud is used when a company wants custom-made cloud services that can blend both private and public cloud functioning in tandem. This works well for small-cap enterprises that can access the public cloud but also want customized services.

7. Multicloud

Multicloud refers to the situation in which a corporation or organization outsources cloud services to many service providers for the same cloud deployment services. This predicament occurs when a service provider is recognized for providing excellent solutions for one business requirement but is poor in other cloud niches.

8. External Cloud

A private or public customized cloud service offered by a third party is set up outside the company to satisfy the customer's needs.

9. Application Programming Interface

The application programming interface, abbreviated as API, is a tool that allows users to acquire access to information or functionality from a particular service and incorporate it into the user's app.

10. IaaS

It is an abbreviation used for Infrastructure as a Service and refers to a virtual environment that a cloud provider provides to consumers. This infrastructure includes network equipment, servers, storage, and software, which includes a full desktop environment.

11. SaaS

This was an abbreviation for Software as a Service, which represented software applications hosted by a vendor and offered to consumers as subscription licenses. Salesforce, Adobe's Creative Cloud, and Microsoft's Office 365 are some well-known SaaS examples.

12. PaaS

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a solution in which the cloud services provider provides customers with the required software and hardware to design, deploy, and administer applications via the Internet.

13. BaaS

Backend-as-a-Service, as the name suggests, offers tools and services to help developers of mobile and web apps build the cloud's backend for those apps. The mobile version is commonly abbreviated as mBaaS.

14. XaaS

Anything as a Service (XaaS) refers to a broad range of cloud computing and remote access services. It acknowledges the enormous variety of goods, devices, and technological advancements offered to customers as online services.

15. Serverless

A workload can run without a dedicated host. The service provider receives the request, the algorithm, and the related data, which then processes the request as a transaction.

16. Containers

Allowing for the packaging of apps and dependencies as a single entity can help with deployment and environment issues. All the containers on host share the same operating environment, unlike when a VM is used for every application.

17. Kubernetes

It is a method of managing and deploying containers using orchestration. Docker Swarm is a rival product to Docker. Both technologies are intended for usage in production and to support clients' large-scale container deployments.

18. Elasticity

A cloud service's capacity to provide on-demand offers by reacting to a client's changing workload demands. Elasticity is a rapid response to switching resources as demand changes, i.e. when the client adds or removes services in real time.

19. Extensibility

It measures a cloud solution's capacity to extend a system by adding additional runtime and framework support via community build packs.

20. Google Cloud Platform

The Google cloud computing platform is a collection of public cloud computing services that includes a variety of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS options.

21. Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services is a comprehensive and developing cloud computing platform that offers cloud computing solutions that are dependable, scalable, adaptable, simple to use, and cost-effective.

22. Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform. It is used to design, deploy, and administer applications and services over a worldwide network of data centers managed by Microsoft.

23. Cloud Native

Cloud Native is a software development technique that tries to make use of the cloud computing delivery mechanism. Software developers do not have to construct apps with the end-hardware user's limits in mind, allowing them to create scalable, on-demand solutions.

24. Big Data

Big data is a broad phrase that incorporates all aspects of digital data, whether organized or unstructured and contains several sub-domains. It deals with storing, manipulating, and discovering patterns in unstructured data, among other things.

25. Cloud Sourcing

It refers to a corporation that decides to outsource cloud services to a service provider rather than using inefficient, traditional data storage and manipulation methods.

26. Middleware

This cloud computing phrase refers to software that works as a bridge between cloud software applications and other components to ensure proper operation.

27. Pay-as-you-go

A method of obtaining cloud services (hardware and software) from a provider that does not need a down payment; rather, it is based on consumption or subscription.

28. Cloud Backup

The cloud data is backed up to a distant, cloud-based server. A data is stored in and retrieved from the cloud, a network of interconnected resources.

29. Software Stack

This is a collection of apps that operate in unison to achieve a common goal. Within this framework, the components must be used in a specified order.

30. Virtual Machine

A virtual machine (VM) is software that simulates a computer and is used to execute an operating system or application.

Updated on: 14-Oct-2022


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