The Negative Side of Outsourcing to India

A firm contracts a third party to carry out duties, manage operations or offer services on its behalf as part of the outsourcing business activity. Today, businesses can outsource a variety of jobs or services. Information technology services including programming, application development, and technical support are frequently outsourced.

The external business, often referred to as the service provider or third-party provider, makes arrangements for its own personnel or technological resources to carry out the duties or offer the services either on-site at the premises of the hiring business or at other places. They commonly contract out call center and customer service work. They can also outsource services related to manufacturing, HR, and finance, such as bookkeeping and payroll processing. Companies can outsource whole departments, like their whole IT division, or simply specific portions of a given department.

Working of Outsourcing

It's critical to concentrate on the business partnership as much as the logistics when outsourcing duties for a corporation to do so successfully. Outsourcing is a partnership rather than a project including the purchase of goods, and it is more about managing relationships than service-level agreements. More difficult than establishing service standards and partnerships is maintaining and preserving a trusted relationship, which is vital in outsourcing initiatives.

A service contract's termination clause is something some professionals advise putting additional attention on. It is crucial for businesses to be aware of the inevitable expiration date of the contract in order to make sure that all parties meet their commitments and continue to be present until the end of the agreement.

Why Do Companies Outsource to India?

In the corporate sector, outsourcing has become increasingly common as demand has grown. You might think of it as a straightforward procedure, an operation where duties and tasks that would typically be performed by your workers are carried out by someone else from outside the business. Typically, a contract is used for this, and a third party is hired for a set period of time. Any web design-related work you are contemplating will be the least expensive to outsource to India. Finding qualified people is the hardest difficulty, though. Because there are so many options to pick from, outsourcing to India might also consume some of your time. You will be able to appreciate how competitive this industry is when you visit several freelance websites.

The fact that more businesses are reducing their workforce is another intriguing feature. Automation and redundancy are the major causes of this. Over 100,000 individuals in India are expected to lose their employment over the course of the next two to three years.

Negative Aspects of Outsourcing to India

When it comes to outsourcing to India, there are plenty of positive aspects but at the same time there are some negative aspects, they are −

Poor quality and management

Your time is one of your most valuable resources when working on a project. When you are communicating with clients or interpreting specifications for Indian programmers, time might slip away. There is a ton of choices for outsourcing to India, as we can see. This implies that there will also be instances where low quality may be the outcome. Consider your options carefully and request several prior instances of work that have been completed.


Even while investments are being made, the gap might occasionally still be too wide. Due to global connectedness, there is a stretched electricity capacity, which is the source of this. The lights at an outsourcing firm occasionally have the potential to be turned off several times during the day. Delays might result from this, and when it comes to project management, delays can be quite problematic.

Communication and Regional Variations

The cultural, time zone, and linguistic barriers might make outsourcing to India challenging. You will need to make adjustments to fit in with your intended partner's social and cultural customs. The time zone and time difference need to be taken into account as well. If you live in the US, the gap is rather significant, so you'll need to figure out how to adjust.

Communication Issues

You must provide all the project information while outsourcing to India. This will become a problem if you unintentionally leave out information. Be brief and make sure to list all the planning tasks you have in mind. Make sure to focus heavily on communication as you describe your concept. Your project will have a better chance of succeeding if you do this. Another piece of advice is to use email to maintain all of your correspondence in writing. This can help you maintain a better flow of thoughts and lower the possibility of mistakes.

No privacy or security legislation

When you choose Indian outsourcing, your chances of receiving a copy are pretty high. It's problematic since there's no assurance that you'll be kept safe because these projects are just sold over and over again. With regard to copyright and licensing, this is a significant problem that many outsourcing projects encounter. So, we suggest that you and your outsourcing partner sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Clients must specify specific needs based on a contract because Indian laws are very different from US laws. Particularly when discussing large-scale initiatives that entail a lot of money, be cautious with this element and even take legal counsel into consideration.

Unwanted Charges

It is not a given that expenses will be less expensive if you outsource to India. Due to services being performed erroneously or for other reasons, you could have to pay additional fees

Longer training period

Training sessions could be a little more challenging if you do them through video conference or screen sharing rather than one-on-one.

How to Resolve this?

It's crucial to remember that your remote employee comes from a foreign country with its own traditions, therefore it can take them a bit longer to grasp your working principles.

In comparison to local personnel, it's crucial that you allot extra time for training. The likelihood that anything will go wrong later diminishes the more time you invest upfront.

The loss of jobs, cultural misunderstandings, loss of control, problems with quality, security threats, reliance on a single vendor, and time zone differences are just a few of the drawbacks of outsourcing to India. These elements may make it harder to manage the outsourcing relationship and may have a detrimental effect on the caliber of the job produced. Before choosing to outsource, businesses should carefully evaluate the possible drawbacks, even if outsourcing might result in cost savings and other advantages. It is crucial for businesses to have a well-thought-out strategy for managing the outsourcing partnership, including effective communication, quality control standards, and risk management practices.

Updated on: 27-Feb-2023


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