The Founding of Ancient Rome & Rome's Early History


The founding of Ancient Rome is shrouded in mystery and legend. According to tradition, Romulus and Remus, twin sons of Mars, the god of war, founded the city in 753 B.C. The twins were left alone as children on the side of the Tiber River, and a she- wolf reared them.

Etruscan kings originally ruled the city, but in 509 B.C., the Roman Republic was established. It marked the beginning of Rome's rise to power, quickly spreading its influence throughout Italy and beyond the country.

Early History

The early history of Rome has three distinct and important periods: Monarchy, Republic, and Empire. During the monarchy period, Rome was ruled by seven kings. The last king was overthrown in 509 BC and replaced with a republican government. This period saw Rome expanding its power and influence throughout Italy, eventually becoming a major power in the Mediterranean region.

In the first century BC, Julius Caesar rose to power and established himself as dictator of Rome. After he died in 44 B.C., his adopted son Octavian became emperor and changed his name to Augustus. Under Augustus' rule, Rome reached its greatest extent and became one of the most powerful empires in history.

Early Italy and the Founding of Rome

The founding of Rome is traditionally dated to 753 B.C. when Romulus and Remus, twin sons of Mars, established a settlement on the banks of the Tiber River after being brought up by a she-wolf.

Various tribes and civilizations inhabited the Italian peninsula for centuries before the founding of Rome. The Etruscans were the most powerful of these civilizations, ruling much of central Italy until their decline in the 4th century B.C. The Greeks also had a major influence in the region, establishing numerous colonies along the coast.


Rome was ruled by several kingdoms. Here is some information about the Roman kingdoms.

  • Seven kings ruled Rome during its monarchy period. The last king was overthrown in 509 BC and replaced with a republican government.

  • Various kingdoms helped Rome expand its power and influence throughout Italy. As a result, it became a major power in the Mediterranean region.


The Roman Republic had different sides. Since its finding, it has been having various mysteries. Some of the most common information about the Roman Republic was are included below −

  • Rome came into existence in 509 B.C. after overthrowing the monarchy.

  • This period saw Rome become increasingly powerful as it expanded its territories throughout Italy and beyond. It also saw great political turmoil as various factions vied for control over Rome's government.

Late Republic

The late Roman kingdoms also had several characteristics. Some of them are as follows −

  • In the first century BC, Julius Caesar rose to power and established himself as dictator of Rome.

  • After he died in 44 BC, his adopted son Octavian became emperor and changed his name to Augustus. Under Augustus' rule, Rome reached its greatest extent and became one of the most powerful empires in history.

Empire – The Principate

The Principate period of Rome is one of the important times. That is why we have discussed some of the features of this time.

  • Augustus' reign marked the beginning of what is known as the Principate period (27 BC – 284 AD).

  • During this time, Rome continued to expand its territories throughout Europe and Asia Minor.

Empire – The Tetrarchy

The Tetrarchy period of Roman history was not famous for expansion. However, this time is very significant to know Roman history. Some of the information of this period includes −

  • The Principate period followed the Tetrarchy period (284-324 AD).

  • During this time, the Roman Empire was divided into four parts, ruled by two Augusties and two Caesars.

  • This system of government proved unstable and eventually led to the rise of Constantine I, who reunited the empire and established the empire famously known as Byzantine.

The Fall of The Western Roman Empire

There are several reasons why the Roman empire saw its decline. Two reasons are mentioned below −

  • The Western Roman Empire began to decline in the 5th century A.D. due to political instability, economic decline, and invasions from Germanic tribes.

  • By 476 AD, the Western Roman Empire had collapsed, and various Germanic kingdoms had taken over its territories.


Roman society was highly stratified, with citizens divided into classes based on wealth and status. The upper classes comprised wealthy landowners and aristocrats, while the lower classes were peasants, enslaved people, and freedmen.


Roman culture was heavily influenced by Greek culture, with many aspects of art, literature, philosophy, and architecture borrowed from the Greeks.


The Romans were skilled engineers who developed various technologies in their cities and military campaigns. They built roads, aqueducts, bridges, and other public works projects.


The founding of Ancient Rome is the most significant event in the world. It gave birth to a powerful empire that would last for centuries and influence the development of Western civilization. The Roman Empire was a major political, economic, and cultural drive for the ancient society, and its legacy is still visible today.


Q1. How did the Roman Empire influence world history?

Ans. The Roman Empire, since its founding, has a rich history. That is why it influences the world.

Q2. What was the early history of Rome?

Ans. The early history of Rome has three periods: Monarchy, Republic, and Empire. During the monarchy period, Rome was ruled by seven kings. In the first century BC, Julius Caesar rose to power and established himself as dictator of Rome. After he died in 44 BC, his adopted son Octavian became emperor.

Q3. What were Rome's major accomplishments?

Ans. Some of Rome's major accomplishments include its engineering feats such as roads, aqueducts, bridges, and other public works projects.

Updated on: 12-Dec-2023


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