The Dos and Don'ts of Project Management

Project management is an important skill and can be a key factor in the success or failure of any project. It involves organizing resources, managing risks, and setting timelines that will ensure the project is completed on time and within budget. There are certain dos and don'ts when it comes to effective project management that should be followed to maximize efficiency.

These include knowing the scope of the project, identifying stakeholders, assigning tasks to team members, monitoring progress, and being aware of potential pitfalls along the way. Following these guidelines ensures your projects run smoothly from start to finish.

Importance of Project Management

Project management allows a company to effectively plan and execute projects on time and within budget while creating measurable results. Not only does this lead to better customer satisfaction, but it also helps ensure that all stakeholders are on board with the project’s end goal.

Project Management can provide an organized structure for any type of project across multiple departments or teams. It ensures there is clarity around each individual's roles and responsibilities, as well as clear communication between stakeholders throughout the entire lifecycle of a project.

This allows for timely decision making which reduces the risk associated with the development cycle and often leads to higher-quality output at lower costs. In addition, having an effective PM process ensures that resources are allocated correctly so that no unnecessary delays occur from one stage of production to another.

Dos of Project Management

Define the Project Scope

This should be the first step of any project management plan. It is important to understand exactly what needs to be achieved, and why it should be done. Create a timeline: Once you have established clear goals for your project, you need to create an achievable timeline that outlines when each task needs to be completed.

Assign tasks: Depending on the size of the project, this may require delegating specific roles or detailed responsibilities to team members who can take ownership of their part in the success of the project. Monitor progress regularly: As time passes, make sure everyone is making steady progress towards completing each assigned task according to schedule.

Develop a Detailed Project Plan

Establish clear goals and objectives. Develop a risk management plan to identify potential risks, prioritize them, and develop strategies for how to manage them if they're realized. Monitor progress regularly and adjust the project plan as needed.

Utilize technology when possible to automate tasks or provide quicker feedback on progress. Manage stakeholders effectively by communicating frequently about expectations, decisions, and changes in plans so that everyone is kept up-to-date with developments in the project.

Establish a Clear Communication Plan

Every project manager should set up a communication plan that outlines how and when stakeholders will be updated on the status of the project and how the information will be disseminated.

This plan should include methods such as team meetings, email updates, video conferences, or regular reports from team members. Additionally, a progress tracking system needs to be put in place so that everyone can understand where the project stands at any given time.

Set Achievable Project Goals

Setting goals helps to define a project's scope, which in turn will help you determine the resources needed to complete it successfully. Goals should be realistic and achievable within the given timeframe of the project. Additionally, don't forget to set milestones along the way that provide tangible evidence of progress toward completion.

Ensure Adequate Resources are Available

This includes both financial and personnel resources. Make sure that everyone involved understands their roles and responsibilities on the project team, as well as how they will be held accountable for success or failure.

Develop a comprehensive timeline with milestones to ensure tasks are completed on time. Establish clear objectives which can be measured throughout the course of the project.

Regularly review progress reports from each team member to ensure alignment with overall goals, and adjust accordingly.

Don’ts of Project Management

Ignore Risks and Issues

Underestimating the difficulty of a task or project can lead to major problems later on. Risks and issues should be identified early, monitored regularly, and addressed quickly as soon as they arise. Not taking the time to properly plan tasks or projects is also a mistake that could create delays in progress.

It’s important to consider how long each phase may take, what resources are needed, who will be responsible for completing each phase, and other considerations before starting any task or project.

Micromanage Team Members

It is important to manage the project, but it is not necessary or advisable to micromanage team members. This type of management style will create feelings of mistrust and resentment amongst team members, which can affect productivity and morale.

Be sure to provide guidance and support while also allowing team members the freedom they need to work independently.

Additionally, don’t assume all tasks are equally relevant or important; prioritize those that directly contribute to reaching goals in a timely manner and delegate others as needed.

Make Changes without Evaluating the Impact

One of the most common and costly mistakes made by project managers is to make changes without evaluating their impact on the timeline, budget, or scope. This can occur when a change is requested by a stakeholder or team member but not properly evaluated or discussed with other stakeholders.

One of the most common and costly mistakes made by project managers is to make changes without evaluating their impact on the timeline, budget, or scope. This can occur when a change is requested by a stakeholder or team member but not properly evaluated or discussed with other stakeholders.

Set Unrealistic Project Timelines

It is important to be realistic when setting deadlines for the project, as this can create undue stress on the team and lead to an increase in productivity. This will also make it difficult to manage the budget and schedule of other activities that need to take place during the project.

Additionally, do not rely solely on one person or a small group of people for information about the project. Make sure everyone involved has access to pertinent information needed for the completion of tasks so that all parties can collaborate effectively towards successful outcomes.

Neglect Stakeholder Communication

When it comes to project management, communication is key! Neglecting stakeholders can lead to a variety of problems, including a lack of trust and commitment from them as well as potential delays in the timeline. Make sure you keep your stakeholders updated on progress regularly and ensure that their needs are met.

Ignore change requests. Change requests are a natural part of any project's lifecycle; however, if not managed properly they can become an unmanageable source of chaos and confusion within the team.


Overall, project management is an art and a science. It requires knowledge, skill, experience, and creativity in order to successfully manage projects within budget and time constraints. With the right attitude, planning, and leadership skills as well as effective communication tools and techniques, project managers can ensure successful outcomes for their organization's projects.

The dos and don’ts of project management provide a useful framework for those just starting out or experienced professionals looking to improve their skillset.

By following these best practices on how to organize tasks efficiently, delegate responsibility effectively and track progress regularly they can facilitate good team performance while avoiding costly mistakes that could put the entire effort at risk.

Updated on: 02-May-2023


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