The Destructive Power of Hate

Hatred is a very potent emotion. It is a mental poison that can contaminate your mind, rot your soul, and contaminate all of your relationships. Anybody who has ever been engulfed in hatred knows how destructive and mind-consuming it can be. Even a single phrase can be powerful, especially if it is spoken by a friend, a family member, or a young child. It causes much emotional turmoil for people who are experiencing it.

While many things might inspire hatred, including food, jobs, movies, and animals, hatred of other people is the most harmful.

Broadly speaking, there are two types of hatred: that which explodes outside (explosion) and that which is internalized (implosion). If you find yourself living with hatred, then today is a good day to do some wellness housecleaning because both of these things will consume you from the inside out.

Hating Other People

Outward manifestations of hatred are unpleasant and deadly. It may inspire harmful actions and violent crime. A sad reminder of this was the different shooting incidents that took place in different parts of the world. These events claimed multiple lives and were fuelled by the gunman's hatred of people.

Blame is at the core of all hatred, and this is especially true of hatred that is directed outside of oneself. When one believes to be severely mistreated or victimized by someone, their displeasure may contain the germ of hatred. Holding onto anger is like grabbing a lump of hot coal to hurl it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned, according to a saying by Siddhartha Buddha.

This saying by Buddha clearly shows that you can defeat hatred. The hand that slaps might also turn into the hand that holds. It all depends on the hand you choose to use.

The hot coal of the emotion is more likely to burn you the more you cling to hatred. And it gets stronger the more you feed it.

The emotions that can breed hatred, however, are under your control. You must be positive to fend off this harmful emotional assault on your body and mind.

Take into account the five suggestions below to lessen your animosity −

  • Stop when you experience hateful thoughts, take a deep breath, and then exhale gently. Repeat this procedure four or five times.

  • Actively disprove your unreasonable and hateful thoughts.

  • Replace with calmer, more sensible ideas for those hostile, irrational ones.

  • One must limit your interactions with anyone you have negative feelings against.

  • For refocusing your thoughts, use a "distraction method" such as watching a movie, taking a stroll, reading a book, or exercising.

Do you Think you are the Object of Hatred?

Anybody who has experienced hatred knows how distressing, frightful, and emotionally taxing it can be. Seeing how physically and emotionally damaging hatred is overall, we might consider it a different kind of "H-Bomb”.

As you may remember, the majority of the energy that actual H-bombs (hydrogen bombs) create comes from a process known as nuclear fission. The process of nuclear fission not only releases energy but also ignites the initial explosion of a nuclear weapon.

Hatred similarly generates energy for destructive power. However, the strong animosity, fear, rage, or sense of harm one experiences is what sparks the explosion.

You essentially have two options on how to react when faced with this level of severe dislike: You can either go down to the hater's level and throw a few H-Bombs of your own, or you may see this behavior as a defect in your character and choose not to reciprocate.

How to Overcome Self-hatred?

We criticize ourselves far too frequently, which is as harmful. Internal hatred can harm your health and break your spirit. You might start binge eating, which many claims are a sign of self-hatred. In reality, compulsory overeating leads to self-punishment leading one to become ill, gain unhealthy weight, and make one feel unattractive.

Binge eating is just one symptom of self-hatred. People are motivated by hate to hurt or cut themselves, participate in harmful activities, and cut off those who care about them.

For several causes, including feelings of insecurity, shame, loneliness, unattractiveness, unproductivity, or self-criticism, self-haters often punish themselves. Their destructive impulses of self-hatred are shaped and given life by these unpleasant, internal feelings.

Lastly, distaste for oneself and frequently low self-esteem are characteristics of self-hatred. This difficulty with self-loathing is that you can't escape the hater.

Self-hatred is a destructive mental virus. It depletes your emotional strength and weakens your immune system, which leaves your body more susceptible to illness and disease. Just not feeding self-hatred is the cure for it.

How is this accomplished? Whatever it was that produced this harmful, self-inflicted emotional wound, you must forgive yourself. Here is a method: Like you would if you were forgiving a close friend, write yourself a letter of apology for your actual or imagined transgression.

As you Write Your Letter, bear in mind These five Rules

  • To make it more unique, type it out by hand.

  • Be frank and very clear about the reason or reasons for your hatred.

  • Accept responsibility for this hatred and describe how and why it is unjust.

  • Like you would forgive a close friend, forgive yourself for your self-hatred.

  • Write down the lessons you've learned from this hatred, resolve to be kinder to yourself, and sign off with "I love you" at the end of your letter.


Hatred creates a toxic mental state that negatively impacts your physical and emotional health, whether directed inward or outside. Moreover, like hot coal, the sooner you let go of this toxic emotion, the less harm it can cause, and the healthier and happier you will be in the long run. This negative feeling will flourish if fed. You will develop if you face it, comprehend it, and break it down.

If you experience hate often, make today the day you confront this gloom and invite the sun back in!

Updated on: 06-Mar-2023


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