Test Environment for Software Testing

What is the definition of a test environment?

A testing environment is a software and hardware configuration that allows testing teams to run test cases. In other words, it enables test execution with properly configured hardware, software, and network.

The test bed or test environment is set up according to the requirements of the Application Under Test. On rare occasions, a test bed may be a mix of the test environment and the test data with which it interacts.

Software testing success is ensured by setting up the correct test environment. Any errors in this procedure may result in the customer incurring more costs and effort.

This guide will teach you how to −

  • What is the definition of a test environment?

  • In the test environment, there are a few key locations to set up.

  • Setup of a Software Testing Environment

  • Management of the Testing Environment

  • Checklist for the Testing Environment

  • Setting up Test Environment Management presents a number of challenges.

  • Setting up a Test Environment Management: Best Practices

In the test environment, there are a few key locations to set up.

A critical place to set up for the test environment is −

  • Applications and the system

  • Data from the tests

  • Server for databases

  • Running environment for the front-end

  • An operating system for the client

  • Browser

  • The server operating system is included in the hardware.

  • Network

  • Reference materials, setup guidelines, installation guides, and user manuals are all needed documentation.

Setup of a Software Test Environment

What can be tested and what should not be examined are the limits of tests. The following personnel is engaged in the setup of the test environment −

  • System Administrators,

  • Developers

  • Testers

  • Occasionally, consumers or techies have a penchant for testing.

The test environment necessitates the creation of a variety of separate regions, such as,

Configuration of the Test Server

Not every test can be run on a local computer. It may be necessary to set up a test server capable of supporting apps. For instance, Fedora configuration for PHP, Java-based apps with or without mail servers, cron configuration, Java-based applications, and so on.


Set up the network according to the test requirements. It contains the following items −

  • Setting up the Internet

  • Wifi setup on a LAN

  • Setup of a private network

It assures that any congestion experienced while testing has no negative impact on other members. (Developers, designers, copywriters, and so on.)

Setup a test PC

You may need to set up various browsers for different testers while doing web testing. For desktop applications, multiple kinds of operating systems are required for different testing PCs.

Windows Phone app testing, for example, may need

  • Installation of Visual Studio

  • Emulator for Windows Phone

  • Assigning a Windows phone to the tester is another option.

Reporting of Bugs

Testers should have access to bug reporting tools.

Creating Test Data for the Test Environment

To test software products, many firms employ a distinct test environment. Copying production data to test is a popular practice. This allows the tester to discover the same faults as a live production server while avoiding data corruption.

The procedure for transferring production data to test data involves the following steps −

  • Configure production tasks to transfer data to a shared test environment.

  • All PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and other sensitive data are changed. The PII is replaced with non-personal data that is logically valid.

  • Remove any information that isn't related to your exam.

This may be copied and pasted into each tester's or developer's test environment. They may change it to suit their needs.

In copy production data, privacy is the most pressing concern. You should look at obfuscated and anonymized test data to avoid privacy concerns.

There are two ways that may be used to anonymize data −

  • All data fields are kept unmodified in the BlackList technique. Except for the fields that the users have chosen.

  • WhiteList − This method anonymizes all data fields by default. With the exception of a list of fields that may be copied. A whitelisted field indicates that it is OK to replicate the data as is, with no need for anonymization.

Also, if you're utilizing production data, you'll need to think about how you're going to get it. Using SQL script to query the database is a good way to go.

Management of the Testing Environment

Test Environment Management is in charge of the test bed's care and maintenance. The Test environment management function's list of activities includes −

  • Maintenance of a central repository including all current test environment versions.

  • Management of the test environment in accordance with the needs of the test team.

  • Creating new environments in accordance with the new requirements

  • Environmental monitoring is important.

  • Test environments that are no longer in use are being updated or deleted.

  • Environmental concerns are being investigated.

  • Coordination until the problem is resolved.

Checklist for the Testing Environment


  • Find out whether the testing equipment you'll need is available. - If this isn't the case, look into the delivery time!

  • Check to see if any more equipment is available- Scanners, special printers, handhelds, and other devices fall into this category.

Connections / software

  • Do you have a list of the apps you'll need?- A program such as Excel, Word, or Drawings, for example.

  • Does the company have a test environment for the new software?- Has the company had any prior experience with the software's usage and upkeep?

Information about the environment 

  • Do you have access to the normal test data sets?- Consider using the Defect administration to gather test data using the regression test set.

  • Are there any agreements in place with the test data owners?- Consider the importance of effective upkeep.

Tools and procedures for maintenance 

  • Is there a single point of contact for the upkeep of the test environment? If not, make a list of everyone who could be engaged in maintaining the test environment up and running. It should also provide their contact details.

  • Is there a consensus on the preparedness and quality of the testing environment? Acceptance criteria, maintenance needs, and so forth. Also, see whether other/additional environmental quality criteria are in accord.

  • Do you know who's engaged in the maintenance process?

Aside from this, there are a few additional questions to address before the test environment is set up.

  • Developing an internal Test Environment or outsourcing?

  • Which should you follow: an internal corporate standard or an external standard (IEE, ISO, etc.)?

  • How long does the test environment have to be set up?

  • Differences between the test and production systems must be established, as well as their influence on test validity.

  • Is it possible to reuse an existing configuration for other corporate projects?

Setting up Test Environment Management presents a number of challenges.

  • Appropriate resource allocation planning - Ineffective resource utilization planning might have an impact on the final product. It may also rise to the rivalry between teams.

  • In a remote location - It's feasible that a Test environment is physically separated from the rest of the world. The testing team will have to depend on the support team for different test assets in this situation. (This includes software, hardware, and other concerns.)

  • Setup time is lengthy - When it comes to Integration Testing, the test setup may often be too complicated.

  • Teams using it together - Test results will be compromised if the testing environment is utilized by both the development and testing teams at the same time.

  • Configuration of a complex test - Certain tests need a complicated test environment setup. It might be a difficult task for the test crew.

Setting up a Test Environment Management: Best Practices

  • Understand the test requirements in detail and educate the members of the test team.

  • Before starting the testing, make sure everything is connected.

  • Check for necessary hardware and software, as well as licensing.

  • Versions and browsers

  • Scheduled usage of the test environment is being planned.

  • The configurations of automation tools.

In software testing, what is a test bed?

A software development environment is referred to as a test bed in software testing. It enables developers to test their modules without impacting the production servers in real-time. Test beds aren't only for developers; they're also utilized by testers. It's known as a test environment since it allows for thorough and transparent testing of new technologies.


  • A testing environment is a collection of software and hardware that the testing team will use to carry out the testing.

  • A critical place to set up for the test environment is

    • Applications and the system

    • Data from the tests

    • Server for databases

    • The environment in which the front-end runs, and so on.

  • The following are some of the difficulties encountered while setting up a test environment −

    • In a remote location

    • Collaboration between teams

    • Setup time is lengthy.

    • Ineffective resource utilization planning for integration

    • Configuration of a complex test

Updated on: 26-Nov-2021

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