Ternary Operator in Dart Programming

The ternary operator is a shorthand version of an if-else condition. There are two types of ternary operator syntax in Dart, one with a null safety check and the other is the same old one we encounter normally.

Syntax 1

condition ? expressionOne : expressionTwo;

The above syntax implies that if a certain condition evaluates to true then we evaluate the expressionOne first and then the expressionTwo.


Let's explore a Dart example where we make use of the above syntax of the ternary operator.

Consider the example shown below −

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void main(){
   var ans = 10;
   ans == 10 ? print("Answer is 10") : print("Oh no!");

In the above example, we declared a variable named ans with a value 10, and then in the next line, we have a condition of the ternary operator where we are checking if it is equal to 10. If so, then evaluate the first expression else evaluate the expression after the colon (:).


Answer is 10

Syntax 2

expression1 ?? expression2

It depicts a conditional statement that is similar to a ternary operator statement. The only difference is that in the above syntax if expression1 is not null, then it gets evaluated else expression2 is evaluated.


Consider the example shown below −

void main(){
   var ans;
   ans ?? print("ans is null");


ans is null

Updated on: 24-May-2021

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