TCP and UDP Server using Select


When it comes to server−client communication, two protocols are commonly used: TCP and UDP. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a connection−oriented protocol that ensures reliable delivery of data packets between network devices. On the other hand, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless protocol that offers faster data transmission but with no guarantee of delivery or order.

In this article, we will explore how to build a server using both protocols in Python programming language. We will also discuss the use of select() function in handling multiple client connections.

Setting up the Server

Creating a Socket for TCP and UDP Protocols

The first step in setting up a server is creating a socket for both TCP and UDP protocols. A socket is an endpoint that facilitates communication between different devices or processes over a network. For TCP, we use the stream−oriented protocol, which requires us to create a SOCK_STREAM socket.

On the other hand, for UDP, we use the datagram−oriented protocol and create a SOCK_DGRAM socket. In Python, we can create sockets using the built−in `socket` module.

The following code snippet creates two sockets: one for TCP and one for UDP protocols.

# Import socket module import socket 
# Create TCP socket tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 
# Create UDP socket udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)  

Binding the Socket to a Specific IP Address and Port Number

Once we have created both sockets, we need to bind them to specific IP addresses and port numbers. Binding is necessary because it allows clients to connect to our server at the specified address and port number.

To bind our sockets in Python, we call the `bind()` method on each of our sockets with two parameters: − The IP address of our server.

In most cases, this will be the IP address of the machine where our server code runs. − The port number that we want to associate with our server.

python # Bind TCP Socket 
tcp_socket.bind(('localhost', 5000)) # Bind UDP Socket 
udp_socket.bind(('localhost', 6000))  

In this example, we are binding our TCP socket to port 5000 while binding our UDP socket to port 6000 on localhost.

Listening for Incoming Connections

After successfully binding our sockets to specific IP addresses and port numbers, we need to set them up to listen for incoming connections from clients. In other words, the server is now waiting for clients to connect. For TCP protocols, we use the `listen()` method on our TCP socket.

This method takes one parameter − the maximum number of queued connections − and starts listening for incoming connections.

# Listen for incoming TCP connections tcp_socket.listen(5)  

On the other hand, since UDP is a connectionless protocol, there's no need to set up a listening mode. We can start receiving data from any client that sends information to our bound socket.

python # Receive data from UDP clients 
while True: data, addr = udp_socket.recvfrom(1024) 

With these steps in place, we have successfully set up our server with both TCP and UDP sockets. Our server is now ready to accept incoming client requests and handle them accordingly.

Handling Connections with Select()

Explaining the select() Function and Its Parameters

The select() function is a powerful tool that can monitor multiple sockets for incoming data or connections. It is highly efficient and scalable, making it an ideal choice for handling large numbers of clients simultaneously. The basic syntax for using the select() function is as follows:

int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);  

Here, nfds stands for "highest−numbered file descriptor in any of the sets plus one." The file descriptor sets are represented by readfds, writefds and exceptfds.

Using Select() to Monitor Multiple Sockets for Incoming Data or Connections

To use select(), first create a set of file descriptors that you want to monitor with FD_ZERO and FD_SET functions. Then pass these sets as arguments in the call to select(). Once invoked, select() will block until activity occurs on one or more of the specified socket(s).

Select() supports both blocking and non−blocking modes depending on how it's configured.

Handling New Connections Using Accept()

When a new client tries connecting to our server socket through TCP/UDP protocol we have already created earlier and there is no existing connection present at port 80 (or any other port number assigned), our server needs to accept this new connection. This can be done using accept().

When called on a listening socket with no active connections waiting on it this function blocks until a new incoming connection is detected.

TCP Server Implementation

Establishing a connection−oriented communication with clients

TCP is a connection−oriented protocol that establishes a reliable communication channel between the server and the clients. To establish such a connection, we first need to create a TCP socket using the socket() system call and then bind it to an address using bind().

After that, we use listen() to make the socket listen for incoming connections. Once a client requests to connect, accept() is used to accept the connection request and return a new socket descriptor that will be used for further communication with that client.

Handling multiple client requests simultaneously

Handling multiple client requests simultaneously is one of the most important aspects of any server implementation. A single−threaded server can only serve one client at a time, which limits its scalability and performance. To handle multiple clients simultaneously in our TCP server implementation, we can use either multi−threading or multi−processing techniques.

In multi−threaded approach, each new connection is handled by creating a new thread that handles all communication with that particular client. This allows several clients to be served concurrently within one process.

On the other hand, in multi−processing approach, each new connection is handled by creating a new process that handles all communication with that particular client. This allows several clients to be served concurrently across several processes.

UDP Server Implementation

Establishing Connectionless Communication with Clients

In a UDP server, communication is connectionless. This means that the server does not establish a persistent connection with its clients. Instead, each client sends individual datagrams that are handled independently by the server.

To set up a UDP server, we first create and bind a socket to an IP address and port number. We then listen for incoming datagrams from multiple clients.

Handling Datagrams from Multiple Clients Simultaneously

A key advantage of using select() function in UDP servers is that it allows for the handling of datagrams from multiple clients simultaneously. When a datagram arrives at the server, select() returns the socket descriptor associated with that client's connection. The server can then process the data and send a response back to the same client using sendto() function.

Implementing Error Handling Mechanisms

As with TCP servers, error handling mechanisms are essential in UDP servers to ensure efficient and reliable communication with clients. One common issue in UDP communication is packet loss due to network congestion or other factors.

To mitigate this issue, we can implement techniques such as checksums and acknowledgment messages to detect and recover lost packets. Another potential issue is buffer overflow when too many datagrams are sent by multiple clients simultaneously, causing the server buffer to overflow and lose data.


In this article, we have discussed the TCP and UDP protocols and the process of setting up a server using these protocols. We have also explored the select() function and its usage in monitoring multiple sockets for incoming data or connections.

Furthermore, we have discussed the implementation of TCP and UDP servers and their respective advantages. The select() function is a powerful tool that allows efficient handling of multiple client connections in both connection−oriented (TCP) and connectionless (UDP) communication.

Updated on: 11-Jul-2023


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