SWING - ComponentEvent Class


The Class ComponentEvent represents that a component has moved, changed size, or changed visibility

Class Declaration

Following is the declaration for java.awt.event.ComponentEvent class −

public class ComponentEvent
   extends AWTEvent


Following are the fields for java.awt.Component class −

  • static int COMPONENT_FIRST − The first number in the range of IDs used for component events.

  • static int COMPONENT_HIDDEN − This event indicates that the component was rendered invisible.

  • static int COMPONENT_LAST − The last number in the range of IDs used for component events.

  • static int COMPONENT_MOVED − This event indicates that the component's position has changed.

  • static int COMPONENT_RESIZED − This event indicates that the component's size has changed.

  • static int COMPONENT_SHOWN − This event indicates that the component was made visible.

Class Constructors

Sr.No. Constructor & Description

ComponentEvent(Component source, int id)

Constructs a ComponentEvent object.

Class Methods

Sr.No. Method & Description

Component getComponent()

Returns the originator of the event.


String paramString()

Returns a parameter string identifying this event.

Methods Inherited

This interface inherits methods from the following classes −

  • java.awt.AWTEvent
  • java.util.EventObject
  • java.lang.Object