Swift program to Print Upper Numeric Triangle Pattern

This tutorial will discuss how to write swift program to print upper numeric triangle pattern.

Numeric pattern is a sequence of numbers which is used to develop different patterns or shapes like pyramid, rectangle, cross, etc. These numeric patterns are generally used to understand or practice the program flow controls, also they are good for logical thinking.

To create a upper numeric triangle pattern we can use any of the following methods −

  • Using nested for loop

  • Using stride Function

Below is a demonstration of the same −


Suppose our given input is −

Num = 5


The desired output would be −


Method 1 - Using Nested For Loop

We can create an upper numeric triangle pattern or any other pattern using nested for loops.


The following program shows how to print upper numeric triangle pattern using nested for loop.

import Foundation import Glibc // Height of the upper numeric triangle pattern let num = 4 // Outer for loop is used to handle the // total number of rows in upper numeric // triangle pattern for i in 0...num{ // Nested for loop is used to print white // spaces for _ in 0..<(num-i){ print(" ", terminator: "") } // Nested for loop is used to print // upper numeric triangle pattern for x in 0...i{ print(x, terminator: "") } // Add new line print("") }



Here, in the above code, we uses nested for loops to print upper numeric triangle pattern. The outermost for loop(starts from 0 to 4) is use to handle the total number of rows are going to print and each row is start with new line. Now the first nested for loop(starts form 0 to <(num-i)) is used to print the white spaces and in each iteration the white space is decrease by one. And the second nested for loop(starts from 0 to i) is used to print upper numeric triangle pattern starts from number 0 to 4.

Method 2 - Using stride Function

Swift provide an in-built function named stride(). The stride() function is used to move from one value to another with increment or decrement. Or we can say stride() function return a sequence from the starting value but not include end value and each value in the given sequence is steps by the given amount.


Following is the syntax −

stride(from:startValue, to: endValue, by:count)


from − Represent the starting value to use for the given sequence.

to − Represent the end value to limit the given sequence

by − Represent the amount to step by with each iteration, here positive value represents upward iteration or increment and negative value represent the downward iteration or decrement.


The following program shows how to print upper numeric triangle pattern using stride() function.

import Foundation import Glibc // Height of the upper star triangle pattern let num = 9 for i in 1...num{ // Printing white spaces for _ in stride(from: num, to: i, by: -1){ print(terminator : " ") } // Printing upper star triangle pattern for x in 1...i{ print(x, terminator : "") } // New line after each row print(" ") }



Here in the above code, we uses three nested for loops. The outer most for loop is used to handle the total number of rows are going to print(so this loop print total 9 rows) and each row starts with a new line. The first nested for-loop is used to print white spaces, here stride() function is used to print white spaces. In this function, the iteration started from num to i and in each iteration the value is decreased by one.

for _ in stride(from: num, to: i, by: -1) { 
   print(terminator : " ") 

The second nested for loop is used to print upper numeric triangle pattern using numbers starting from 1 to 9 −

for x in 1...i { 
   print(x, terminator : "") 

Updated on: 03-Nov-2022


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