Sort an Array of Triplet using Java Comparable and Comparator

Array is a linear data structure that is used to store group of elements with similar datatypes. It stores data in a sequential manner. Once we create an array we can’t change its size i.e. it is of fixed length.

In this article, we will create an array of triplet and try to sort them using the Comparable and Comparator interfaces. The term array of triplet means an array having three elements.

Program to sort Array of Triplet using Comparator


As the name suggests it is used to compare something. In Java, the Comparator is an interface that is used to sort custom objects. We can write our own logic inside its inbuilt method named ‘compare()’ to sort the specified objects. This method takes two objects as arguments and then returns an integer value. By this integer value, Comparator decides which object is greater.


Comparator< TypeOfComparator > nameOfComparator = new Comparator< TypeOfComparator >() {
	compare( type object1, type object1 ) {
		// logic for comparison

The nameOfComparator passed for sorting operation to methods like ‘Arrays.sort()’.


It is a static method of class Arrays that takes an argument and sort its elements accordingly. This method can sort arrays of numeric datatypes like integers or doubles and even arrays of characters, string too.



Working of code

  • Create a class and its constructor named ‘Cart’. Inside it, declare three variables.

  • In the main method, create a comparator and inside it override its method ‘compare()’ that will contain logic for sorting.

  • Now, we will create an array of triplet and sort them using inbuilt method ‘Array.sort()’


import java.util.*;
class Cart {
   String item;
   double price;
   int quant;
   Cart(String item, int price, int quant) { // Constructor
      this.item = item;
      this.price = price;
      this.quant = quant;
public class AraySort {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      // use of comparator interface
      Comparator<Cart> comp = new Comparator<Cart>() {
         // logic to sort
         public int compare(Cart i, Cart j) {
            if(i.quant > j.quant) {
               return 1;
            } else {
               return -1;
      // creating triplet of array
      Cart[] obj = new Cart[3]; 
      obj[0] = new Cart("Rice", 59, 5);
      obj[1] = new Cart("Milk", 60, 2);
      obj[2] = new Cart("Bread", 45, 1);
      Arrays.sort(obj, comp); 
      // to sort
      System.out.println("Elements of the newly sorted array: ");
	   for(int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
         System.out.println("Item: " + obj[i].item + ", " + "Price: " + obj[i].price + ", " + "Quantity: " + obj[i].quant);	


Elements of the newly sorted array: 
Item: Bread, Price: 45.0, Quantity: 1
Item: Milk, Price: 60.0, Quantity: 2
Item: Rice, Price: 59.0, Quantity: 5

Program to sort Array of Triplet using Comparable


This interface is useful when we want to sort custom objects by their natural ordering. For example, It sorts strings in dictionary order and numerics in numerical order. This interface is available in ‘java.lang’ package.


class nameOfclass implements Comparable<nameOfclass>

Here, class is the keyword that creates a Class and implements is the keyword that enables the use of features provided by an Interface.


The Comparable interface defines only a single method named ‘CompareTo’ that can be overridden in order to sort the collection of objects. It gives the power to compare the objects of a class to itself. It returns 0 when ‘this’ object is equal to passed object, a positive value if ‘this’ object is greater otherwise a negative value.


compareTo(nameOfclass nameOfobject);

Working of code

  • Create a class that implements Comparable interface. Then define its constructor and inside it, declare three variables.

  • Define your logic of sorting inside the method ‘compareTo()’.

  • Now, in the main method, we will create an array of triplet and sort them using inbuilt method ‘Array.sort()’


import java.util.*;
public class Cart implements Comparable<Cart>{
   String item;
   double price;
   int quant;
   Cart(String item, int price, int quant) { 
      // Constructor
      this.item = item;
      this.price = price;
      this.quant = quant;
   // to compare 
   public int compareTo(Cart comp) {
      if(this.quant > comp.quant) {
         return 1;
      } else {
         return -1;
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      // creating triplet of array
      Cart[] obj = new Cart[3];
      obj[0] = new Cart("Rice", 59, 5);
      obj[1] = new Cart("Milk", 60, 2);
      obj[2] = new Cart("Bread", 45, 1);
      // to sort
      System.out.println("Elements of the newly sorted array: ");
	   for(int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
         System.out.println("Item: " + obj[i].item + ", " + "Price: " + obj[i].price + ", " + "Quantity: " + obj[i].quant);	


Elements of the newly sorted array: 
Item: Bread, Price: 45.0, Quantity: 1
Item: Milk, Price: 60.0, Quantity: 2
Item: Rice, Price: 59.0, Quantity: 5


Both interfaces Comparable and Comparator are used to sort elements of a given list or objects but, the comparable interface modifies the original class whereas comparator does not. In this article, we learned how we can sort an array of triplet using these interfaces.

Updated on: 15-May-2023


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