Serverless Computing: Definition, Application, Advantages


"Serverless computing" is a model that provides backend services on a "pay-as-you-go" basis. Developers can focus on creating and releasing software rather than maintaining the underlying servers and networks with the help of a serverless provider.

Definition of Serverless Computing

Serverless is a model for creating and executing cloud applications that do not require creating or managing servers or other backend infrastructure. To fully understand the concept of "serverless computing," it is essential to remember servers still execute that code. Developers are "serverless" in serverless architectures because they do not need to worry about the provisioning or management of servers.

By using serverless computing, development teams can devote their attention where it counts: to the company's core business logic and the products and services that enable it to function. Serverless computing allows teams to increase productivity and release products quickly to market, allowing businesses to optimize resources better and focus on innovation.

Application of Serverless Computing

Serverless computing helps shorten the time it takes to create an app because it relieves developers of managing the underlying infrastructure. The cloud service operator is responsible for the underlying server infrastructure in serverless computing.

With Function Compute, users can create virtually any application or backend service, from Web application backend services to massively parallel file processing and real-time data streaming.

For example, by combining object storage service(OSS) and Function Compute, a user can process a single video with a single function. Multiple function instances are automatically triggered for parallel processing when many video files are uploaded to OSS.

To use Function Compute's HTTP trigger, users only need to write a function that handles a single request. Function Compute automatically allocates more processing power to handle requests to run more function instances as the throughput per second (TPS) increases.

Application Programming Interface (API) Back Ends

On a serverless platform, any function or action can be represented by an HTTP endpoint that web clients can access. When these operations are made available on the World Wide Web, they are called web actions. Multiple web actions can be combined using an API Gateway to form a comprehensive API with increased security and other features.

Data Processing

It benefits structured data such as audio, images, texts, and videos. It can also perform other tasks such as data cleansing, enrichment, transformation, and validation as a workaround. Serverless processing excels in audio normalization, image processing, OCR, PDF processing, and video transcoding.

Microservices Support

Serverless computing is frequently used when developing microservice architectures. Microservices are specialized, self-contained services that communicate with one another via application programming interfaces. This model has made significant inroads even though containers or Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS) can be used to build and operate microservices.

Massive Parallel "Map" and Compute Operations

Because each task only requires a single call to action, serverless computing is ideal for parallelable tasks. This makes everyday operations such as Map/Reduce, data processing and searching, and hyperparameter tuning easier.

Advantages of Serverless Computing

Your team's primary focus can be creating innovative new products, which are a huge timesaver. Thus managing servers is not hectic anymore. Because the vendor handles network configuration and physical server security, your team can focus on more critical tasks.

Decoupling Constituents also Increase Openness

Serverless computing allows further modularization of applications. If you do this, the application will be seen by more people. As the pieces get smaller, you need less information to make adjustments or create workarounds.

A Serverless Design Based on Events

Serverless computing relies on discrete events rather than continuous data streams. In an event-driven app, each component can make its own decisions. When one event triggers another, we call that a chain reaction. You can have one-on-one conversations with any of your services using a stream-based system. In the event of an error, it will only affect the specific event in question and not the entire log.

Launches will occur more rapidly, and both adaptation and innovation will be enhanced

More and more businesses are switching to serverless designs to reduce latency. Due to the lack of need for infrastructure construction, app deployment times can be cut from days to hours. Rapid deployments are possible thanks to the ease and speed of scaling.

Product releases can be made more flexible when an agile architecture is used. It allows for quicker implementation of new ideas.

Having the ability to adjust course quickly is helpful in many situations. Communities everywhere are showing similar signs of panic as the pandemic spreads. Businesses need to evolve if they are to meet the ever-changing demands of their customers. As working from home becomes more commonplace, this may happen internally.

Spending less Money on New Construction is a Good Thing.

The need for an organization to maintain its servers and databases is effectively outsourced when it switches to a serverless architecture. No longer will expensive repairs to the underlying structure be required. The potential cost savings are context-dependent.

User Experience Focusing

Your application's user base probably has high expectations for their online experiences. Developers can focus on the user interface without worrying about the underlying structure (UX). Investing in the user interface is essential, but you can redirect those resources elsewhere with serverless computing.

Environmentally Friendly Hosting and Computing

Hosting companies and those who own their servers must keep their computers operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Consider the massive data centers and the materials required to build them. Remember the power requirements to keep them running. You only pay for the servers you need, when you need them, with serverless architecture. This has the potential to reduce the amount of energy and money required to keep various businesses online.


Serverless computing is an excellent choice for many businesses. It reduces your team's mental load while allowing you to create any custom app features you require. It is not necessary to assume that serverless is the best option. Only when necessary should it be used sparingly.

Updated on: 16-Dec-2022


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