Reduce a string to a valid email address of minimum length by replacing specified substrings

In this problem, we have given the email string containing the ‘dot’ and ‘at’ words. We need to replace them with ‘.’ And ‘@’ characters.

Note – The valid email address should contain the ‘@’ character only once. It should contain any prefixes before the ‘@’ character and the domain name after that. Also, a valid email can contain multiple ‘.’ Characters. Furthermore, the ‘@’ and ‘.’ Characters should not be at the start or end of the email address.

Problem statement  We have given a string str containing the email address, and the length of the string is equal to N. We need to reduce the string by replacing the ‘at’ word with the ‘@’ character and the ‘dot’ string with the ‘.’ character.

Sample examples

Input – str= "contactattutorialspointdotcom"

Output –

Explanation – We have replaced the ‘at’ and dot with ‘@’ and ‘.’ Characters respectively.

Input – str = “atatgmaildotcom”

Output –

Explanation – Email can contain only one ‘@’ and can’t contain it at start, so the output is like the above

Approach 1

In this approach, we will check if the email contains the substring ‘at’ or ‘dot’ from the current character. We can replace it with the ‘@’ and ‘.’ Character.


  • Define the ‘len’ variable and store the length of the variable.

  • Define the ‘minStr’ variable and initialize it with the first character of the original string

  • Define ‘I’ variable and initialize with 1 to use with loop. Also, define the ‘isAtIncluded’ variable and initialize with false to keep track with the ‘@’ character is included once in the string or not.

  • Start iterating the string using the loop.

  • If I < len – 3, the value of isAtIncluded is false, and the substring of length 2 is equal to ‘at’, append the ‘@’ to the ‘minStr’ string. Also, increase the ‘I’ by one

  • else, if I < len – 4, and the substring of length 3 is equal to the ‘dot’, append the ‘.’ Character to the given string. Also, increase the value of the I by 2.

  • Else append the current character to the minStr string

  • return the minstr string value.


#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// function to minimize the string by replacing at with @ and dot with '.'
string minifyEmail(string original){
   string minstr = "";
   int len = original.length();
   // append the first character to the final string
   minstr += original[0];
   // start index
   int i = 1;
   // Check wether at(@) already included or not
   bool isAtIncluded = false;
   // travere the string
   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
      // at can be replaced at most once
      if (i < len - 3 && !isAtIncluded && original.substr(i, 2) == "at"){
      // add '@' to minstr
      minstr += '@';
      // Update isAtIncluded
      isAtIncluded = true;
   // If current substring found dot
   else if (i < len - 4 && original.substr(i, 3) == "dot"){
      // add '.' to minstr
      minstr += '.';
      i += 2;
   } else {
      minstr += original[i];
   return minstr;
int main(){
   string original = "contactattutorialspointdotcom";
   cout << "The string after minifying in the proper original format is " << minifyEmail(original);


The string after minifying in the proper original format is

Time complexity – O(N) as we traverse the string.

Space complexity – O(N), as we store the minified string.

In the above code, we always append the first character to the minstr string. So, it will never add ‘@’ or ‘.’ Character at the start. Also, users can use the replace() method to replace the ‘dot’ with the ‘.’ and ‘at’ with the ‘@’ character, but programmers need to make sure that it will add only a single ‘@’ character to the string.

Updated on: 10-Aug-2023


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