Python – scipy.linalg.det

The scipy.linalg package contains a set of different functionalities that are used for Linear Algebra. One of them is the det() function. This function is used to find the determinant of a two-dimensional matrix.



Where x is a square matrix.

Example 1

Let us consider the following example −

# Importing the required libraries
from scipy import linalg
import numpy as np

# Initialize the matrix A
A = np.array([[8, 5], [3, 4]])
print("Input Matrix :
", A) # Find the determinant of matrix X x = linalg.det(A) print("Determinant Value of A:", x)


It will generate the following output −

Input Matrix :
[[8 5]
[3 4]]
Determinant Value of A: 17.0

Example 2

Let us consider the following example −

# Importing the required libraries
from scipy import linalg
import numpy as np

# Initializing the matrix M
M = np.arange(6, 10).reshape(2, 2)
print("Input Matrix :
", M) # Finding the determinant of matrix X x = linalg.det(M) print("Determinant Value of M:", x)


The above program will generate the following output −

Input Matrix :
[[6 7]
[8 9]]
Determinant Value of M: -2.0000000000000053

Updated on: 22-Dec-2021


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