Using the EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS directive, we can leverage ChatGPT's capabilities to provide detailed explanations of the disadvantages, limitations, or negative aspects associated with a particular choice, action, or decision. This technique enables us to tap into ChatGPT's knowledge and critical thinking abilities to highlight potential drawbacks.

Understanding the EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS Directive

The EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS directive prompts ChatGPT to provide detailed explanations of the disadvantages, limitations, or negative aspects related to a specific choice, action, or decision.

By incorporating the EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS directive in our prompts, we can harness ChatGPT's knowledge and critical thinking skills to articulate the drawbacks associated with various options.

The basic syntax for the EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS directive is as follows −

User: Can you explain the drawbacks of using social media excessively?
ChatGPT: Certainly! Excessive use of social media can have the following drawbacks:
- Decreased productivity and time wastage
- Negative impact on mental health, including increased anxiety and depression
- Potential privacy

In this example, the user asks for an explanation of the drawbacks of using social media excessively. The response from ChatGPT includes a detailed explanation of the drawbacks generated based on the given prompt.

Best Practices for Using the EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS Directive

To make the most of the EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS directive, let's consider the following best practices −

  • Clearly State the Choice, Action, or Decision − Provide a clear and concise description of the choice, action, or decision for which you seek to describe the benefits. This helps ChatGPT understand the context and generate relevant descriptions.

  • Focus on Relevant and Persuasive Benefits − Prompt ChatGPT to highlight the benefits that are most relevant and persuasive to the intended audience. Tailor the benefits to address specific needs or concerns to make the descriptions more compelling.

  • Use Convincing Language − Encourage ChatGPT to use persuasive language and vivid descriptions to convey the benefits effectively. This helps in engaging the audience and promoting a positive perception of the choice, action, or decision.

  • Include Supporting Evidence or Examples − Ask ChatGPT to provide supporting evidence or real-world examples to substantiate the described benefits. This enhances the credibility and reliability of the descriptions.

Example Application − Python Implementation

Let's explore a practical example of using the EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS directive with a Python script that interacts with ChatGPT.

import openai

# Set your API key here
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

def generate_chat_response(prompt):
   response = openai.Completion.create(
   return response
user_prompt = "User: Can you explain the drawbacks of using online shopping?"
chat_prompt = user_prompt + "ChatGPT: [EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS: using online shopping]"

response = generate_chat_response(chat_prompt)

In this example, we define a function generate_chat_response() that takes a prompt and uses the OpenAI API to generate a response using ChatGPT. The chat_prompt variable contains the user's prompt and the ChatGPT response, including the EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS directive to explain the drawbacks of using online shopping.


When we run the script, we will receive the generated response from ChatGPT, including the detailed description of the benefits specified within the DESCRIBE BENEFITS directive.

In our example, the user prompt is "Can you explain the drawbacks of using online shopping?" and ChatGPT would respond with an output like the one shown below −

One drawback of online shopping is the risk of identity theft or fraud. Online shoppers can be vulnerable to security breaches, since their personal and financial information is stored on the website. 

Additionally, online shoppers may not be able to inspect the product before they purchase it, which can lead to dissatisfaction with the purchase if the product is not what they expected. 

Online shopping can also be inconvenient, since delivery times can be unpredictable and shipping costs can be expensive. Finally, online shoppers can be limited in terms of product selection, since not all stores offer their full range of products online.


In this chapter, we explored the EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS directive in prompt engineering for ChatGPT. Using the EXPLAIN DRAWBACKS directive, we can prompt ChatGPT to provide detailed explanations of the disadvantages, limitations, or negative aspects associated with a particular choice, action, or decision.
