Prompt Engineering - ASSESS IMPACT Prompt

By leveraging the ASSESS IMPACT directive, we can prompt ChatGPT to evaluate and analyze the potential impact, consequences, or significance of specific events, actions, or decisions.

Understanding the ASSESS IMPACT Directive

The ASSESS IMPACT prompt can be used to generate a variety of different content, including −

  • Summaries of factual topics − The ASSESS IMPACT prompt can be used to generate summaries of factual topics by assessing the impact of different events or actions on those topics. For example, we could use the ASSESS IMPACT prompt to generate a summary of the impact of climate change on the global economy.

  • Creative stories − The ASSESS IMPACT prompt can also be used to generate creative stories by assessing the impact of different events or actions on the characters in the story. For example, we could use the ASSESS IMPACT prompt to generate a story about the impact of a natural disaster on a small town.

  • Decision-making tools − The ASSESS IMPACT prompt can also be used to create decision-making tools by assessing the impact of different options on a particular decision. For example, we could use the ASSESS IMPACT prompt to create a tool that helps businesses assess the impact of different marketing strategies on their bottom line.

To use the ASSESS IMPACT prompt, simply specify the event or action that we want to assess, and then specify the impact that we want to assess. For example, we could use the following prompt to assess the impact of climate change on the global economy −

The basic syntax for the ASSESS IMPACT directive is as follows −

User: What could be the impact of increasing minimum wages?
ChatGPT: Increasing minimum wages can have several potential impacts:
- Improved standard of living for low-income workers
- Increased business costs for small enterprises
- Potential job losses or reduced hiring in certain industries

In this example, the user asks about the potential impact of increasing minimum wages. The response from ChatGPT includes a list of potential impacts generated based on the given prompt.

Example Application − Python Implementation

Let's explore a practical example of using the ASSESS IMPACT directive with a Python script that interacts with ChatGPT.

import openai

# Set your API key here
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

def generate_chat_response(prompt):
   response = openai.Completion.create(
   return response
user_prompt = "User: What could be the impact of adopting renewable energy sources?\n"
chat_prompt = user_prompt + "ChatGPT: [ASSESS IMPACT: adopting renewable energy sources]"

response = generate_chat_response(chat_prompt)

In this example, we define a function generate_chat_response() that takes a prompt and uses the OpenAI API to generate a response using ChatGPT. The chat_prompt variable contains the user's prompt and the ChatGPT response, including the ASSESS IMPACT directive to evaluate the potential impacts of adopting renewable energy sources.


When we run the script, we will receive the generated response from ChatGPT, including the potential impacts specified within the ASSESS IMPACT directive.

In our example, the user gives the prompt: "What could be the impact of adopting renewable energy sources?" and ChatGPT responds with the following output −

The adoption of renewable energy sources has the potential to provide numerous benefits to society, including reduced air pollution, improved public health, increased energy security, job creation, and reduced global warming. 

Renewable energy sources also have the potential to reduce dependence on foreign energy sources, reduce water consumption, and help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

In addition, renewable energy sources are increasingly becoming more cost-competitive with traditional forms of energy, making them a viable alternative for many countries.


In this chapter, we explored the ASSESS IMPACT directive in prompt engineering for ChatGPT. We discussed the syntax of the ASSESS IMPACT directive and provided best practices for its usage.
