Post-Mauryan India – The Satavahanas


The Satavahanas fall under the Andhra group as per some elucidations by Puranas. There was a lack of strong administration and protection in several Indian regions after the collapse of the Mauryan dynasty. The Satavahana dynasty came into action in the middle of the first century BCE and ruled until the early part of the third century CE.

Image 1: Map of the Satavahanas

The Satavahana Dynasty

The word Satavahana was derived from a Prakrit term meaning ‘driven by seven’. In Hindu mythology, it means seven horses. The Kanva dynasty came into action after the decline of the Sunga dynasty. They stayed for approximately 45 years in Magadha and parallelly in The Deccan area the Satavahanas came as a powerful dynasty.

There were other dynasties before the introduction of the Satavahanas with Simuka - the first Satavahana king. Kanva and Chedi dynasties ruled before them. Kanva dynasty was ruled by four kings during the declination of the Magadha Empire. Their last king Susarman was killed by a Satavahana ruler.

The Chedi dynasty made its rise in the first century BC in Kalinga. The inscription of Hathigumpha gives ideas about this dynasty. The Satavahana dynasty was initiated around the 3rd century BC by Simuka and comes to an end in 225 AD approximately.

Telangana, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh represents the ancient kingdom of Satavahanas. The dynasty was extended to other parts of the country. Pratishthana and Amaravati were the Satavahana capitals. They fought hard and defended Sakas and foreign invaders.

Satavahana Rulers

The Satavahana Kingdom was ruled by several rulers. Some names are mentioned below.

Image 2: Important rulers of the Satavahana dynasty

Satakarni I − He was the third ruler of Satavahana kingdom. Military conquest-driven empire expansion was started by him. Satakarni I captured Kalinga after Kharavela’s death. Pataliputra’s Sungas were pushed back by him. In Deccan areas, Vedic Brahminism was initiated by him. Nayanika was his wife and the writer of the Naneghat inscription.

Hala − Gatha Saptashati was compiled by King Hala. Several loved-themed poems were collected in this compilation. There were about forty poems were written denoting Hala. Brihatkatha was composed by Gunadhya - a minister of Hala.

Gautamiputra Satakarni − He was named after his mother Gautami Balasri. There was controversy about Gautamiputra Satakarni’s ruling time. He was the Satavahana dynasty’s best king. Pahlavas, Sakas and Greeks were well defeated by him. His kingdom was stretched from Saurashtra and Malwa in the north to Krishna in the southern part and west’s Konkan to east’s Berar in the country. He was mentioned as Ekabrahmana. Nahapana - the Western Satrap king was also defeated by him.

Image 3: Coinage of Gautamiputra Satakarni with Brahmi legend

Society of the Satavahanas

  • The Satavahana dynasty was socially organized and it had several classes.

  • The people who took the responsibility of district control and administration were selected in the first class.

  • The officials belonged to the second class.

  • The Vaidhyas and cultivators were taken on the third social class.

  • The final and fourth class was made of common people.

  • The family head was mentioned as Grihapati at that time.

Economy of the Satavahana Dynasty

  • The economy of the Satavahana dynasty was mainly based on agriculture.

  • Various commodities were produced and traded in India's inside and outside parts.

  • The Satavahana coins were introduced with this dynasty featuring ruler portraits for the first time.

  • The portrait coins were made of lead and silver. Chakra, Conch Shell, Chaitya, Ship and other symbols were used in Satavahana coins.

Administrative pattern and language

  • The Shastras was the base of Satavahana dynasty administration and it had a finite structure.

  • The Ruler was said to be Rajan or King. The names of Raja or prince had their coin inscriptions.

  • The Maharathis could grant villages. They can maintain marital relations with the family of the ruler.

  • The Mahasenapati and Mahatalavara are two other administrative positions.

  • The bureaucratic form of administration was forced with Guatamipurna Satakarni’s inscription although there was not enough clear evidence for administrative positions.

  • The Indo-Aryan Language was modernized into the Prakrit language. Prakrit was the mainly used language in the Satavahana dynasty. In literature, Sanskrit was rarely used.

Religion and Architecture of Satavahanas

  • The two main religions - Brahmanism and Buddhism were followed during the rule of The Satavahana dynasty. There were variations in religious faiths and tolerance among different peoples. Many Buddhist monasteries were formed during this time.

  • Monasteries and chaityas were precisely cut out from solid structures.

  • Chaityas were temples of the Buddhists.

  • In western Deccan’s Karle, the most popular Chaitya is situated Gautamiputra and Nahapana inceptions were carried by three viharas located in Nasik.

Satavahanas’ declination and significance

Magadha’s Kanvas and Sungas were completed by the rulers of Satavahanas to set the kingdom. Foreign powers including Pahlavas, Yavanas, and Sakas were defended by them to save a greater part of India.

They influenced the social and economic sectors in many ways. The Satavahanas had a hard struggle with Kshatrapas from the western part for a limited period. The dynasty was divided into smaller divisions in the third century AD.


Post-Mauryan India‘needed a strong ruler who can protect its region from foreign attacks as well as keep internal peace. Simuka was the first king of the powerful Satavahana dynasty. The dynasty was effective between first century BCE and third century CE. The Satavahana Rulers made their contribution in administrative, social, cultural and economic sectors. Gautamiputra Satakarni, Satakarni I, and Hala were some famous Satavahana kings.


Q1. How long did the Satavahana dynasty last?

Ans. There was controversy regarding the exact duration of the Satavahana dynasty. The Dynasty was speculated to be founded in the middle of first century BCE and lasted till the early part of third century CE.

Q2. Who founded the Satavahana dynasty?

Ans. Simuka Satavahana was the first king to establish the dynasty of Satavahana. He built a strong administration for the first time after the collapse of Mauryas.

Q3. Who was the last ruler of the Satavahana dynasty?

Ans. The Satavahana dynasty came to an end during the ruling time of Pulumavi IV. He was in administration till 225 CE.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2024


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