POJI in Java

POJI is an acronym for Plain Old Java Interface which corresponds to a Java standard interface which means that these interfaces are in the context of providing services in JEE. For example, OSGI service is offered through POJI in JEE

In other terms we can say that POJI is an ordinary interface without any specialty that is not inherited from any of the technology API specific interfaces or framework interfaces.


interface myCustomInterface {
   public void myMethod();
interface mySecondCustomInterface extends myCustomInterface {
   public void mySecondMethod();

Both interfaces would be called as POJI as they do not inherit any technology specific interface.


interface GFG1 extends java.rmi.Remote {
   public void myMethod();
interface GFG2 extends java.beans.AppletInitializer {
   public void mySecondMethod();

Both interfaces would be not be called as POJI as they inherits technology specific interface.

Updated on: 25-Jun-2020


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