Performance Report Controls in Mysql Workbench

The controls listed below can be used to examine and export performance report data (see the following figure) −

  • Export − Export all entries from the current performance report, including all queries and values, together with any associated data (including column headings). opens an export file dialogue.

  • Copy Selected − Copies a single entry from the current performance report together with any related data (and column titles). the system's clipboard is saved. a case in point

  • Query Copy − This function copies the SQL statement that produced the performance report. the system clipboard is saved.

  • Refresh − The performance report is refreshed (reloaded).

Performance Report Descriptions

Reports on Performance: Statement Analysis

The following groupings are shown for individual reports −

Memory Usage

  • Total Memory − Shows total memory allocated.

  • Top Memory by Event − Shows events consuming the most memory.

  • Top Memory by User − Shows users consuming the most memory

  • Top Memory by Host − Shows hosts consuming the most memory.

  • Top Memory by Thread − Shows threads consuming the most memory.

Hot Spots for I/O

  • Top File I/O Activity Report − Shows the files with the most I/O usage in bytes.

  • Top I/O by File by Time − Shows the highest I/O usage by file and latency.

  • Top I/O by Event Category − Shows the highest I/O data usage by event categories.

  • Top I/O in Time by Event Categories − Shows the highest I/O time consumers by event categories.

  • Top I/O by User/Thread − Shows the top I/O time consumers by user and thread.

High-Cost SQL Statements

  • Statement Analysis − Lists statements with various aggregated statistics.

  • Statements in the Highest 5 percent by Runtime − Lists all statements in which the average runtime (in microseconds) is in the highest five percent.

  • Using Temp Tables − Lists all statements that use temporary tables (access the highest percentage of disk temporary tables, then memory temporary tables).

  • With Sorting − Lists all normalized statements that have done sorts (access in the following priority order: sort_merge_passes, sort_scans, and sort_rows).

  • Full Table Scans − Lists statements that have performed a full table scan. Access query performance and the WHERE clause (or clauses). If no index is used, consider adding indexes for large tables.

  • Errors or Warnings − Lists statements that have raised errors or warnings.

Database Schema Statistics

  • Schema Object Overview (High Overhead) − Shows the count by object for each schema. Note that for instances with a large number of objects, this report may require extended time to execute.

  • Schema Index Statistics − Shows the general statistics related to indexes.

  • Schema Table Statistics − Shows the general statistics related to tables.

  • Schema Table Statistics (with InnoDB buffer) − Shows schema tables with InnoDB buffer statistics.

  • Tables with Full Table Scans − Finds tables that are being accessed by full table scans, ordering by the number of rows scanned (descending).

  • Unused Indexes − Shows the list of indexes that were never used since the server started or since P_S data collection started.

Wait Event Times (Expert)

  • Global Waits by Time − Lists the top global wait events by their total time, ignoring idle (this may not be very large).

  • Waits by User by Time − Lists the top wait events by user and by their total time, ignoring idle (this may not be very large).

  • Wait Classes by Time − Lists the top wait classes by total time, ignoring idle (this may not be very large).

  • Waits Classes by Average Time − Lists the top wait classes by average time, ignoring idle (this may not be very large).

InnoDB Statistics

  • InnoDB Buffer Stats by Schema − Summarizes the output of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table, aggregating by the schema.

  • InnoDB Buffer Stats by Table − Summarizes the output of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table, aggregating by schema and table name.

User Resource Use

  • Overview − Shows the resource use summary for each user.

  • I/O Statistics − Shows the I/O use for each user.

  • Statement Statistics − This shows the statement execution statistics for each user.


In this article, we have learned about different Performance report control and how to get them using mysql workbench.

Updated on: 22-Feb-2023


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