Overview Of User Defined Type (UDT) In Cassandra

The present article offers a comprehensive overview of UDTs in Cassandra, making them an accessible tool to enhance your database management. Let’s dive into that!

Data Types in Cassandra

In Cassandra, there are various data types available, including native types, counters, collections (such as maps, sets, and lists), and user-defined types (UDTs).

Native Types

If we talk about the native types, these play a pivotal role in data storage and operations. These are the basic building blocks for storing your data effectively those defined by default within the system itself.

They include many data types like - numerical types such as int, bigint, decimal; text-based types like ascii, varchar; Boolean type; time-based types like timestamp and date; UUIDs as well as other special identities.

Each contributing uniquely to improve Cassandra's versatility and efficiency in handling different kinds of datasets without fuss or hassle.


In the world of Cassandra the elements like counters play a significant role in data tracking and monitoring. These unique data types offer similar to a tally system functionality, incremental characteristics or decrementing by specific values as per the need of your application.

A robust counter can provide accurate reflection of real-time data like page views, likes or upvotes in an efficient manner without excessive read-write operations.

The intricacy of dealing with counters lies within their distributed nature, which can lead to conflicts due to concurrent updates. However, Cassandra handles this by using conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) for counters implementation.

This strategy ensures consistent increment and decrement operations even with simultaneous inputs from multiple nodes or clusters.

Collections (Maps, Sets, Lists)

In Cassandra, Collections are a powerful tool that store multiple values in an organized and accessible manner. They can add flexibility to your database schema by allowing you to store data without fitting it into Rows or Columns. There are three types of collections in Cassandra −

  • Maps − In this type, each element is associated with a key and maps allow you to look up values directly rather than iterating over the elements. It's like an associative array, providing UDT overview at one glance.

  • Sets − These hold a group of elements where each element only appears once. Sets are highly beneficial in preventing data redundancy while understanding UDTs.

  • Lists − This type is ordered collections of elements; they ensure that the elements are kept in the order they were added which can be pivotal in certain scenarios while exploring Cassandra UDTs.

User-Defined Types (UDTs)

User-Defined Types (UDTs) in Cassandra allow you to define your own custom data types, tailored specifically to your application's needs. UDTs are a powerful feature that enable you to group multiple fields together into a single logical unit, making it easier to organize and manipulate your data.

They can be especially useful when dealing with complex or hierarchical structures.

With UDTs, you have the flexibility to create your own data models within Cassandra, which gives you more control over how your data is stored and queried. You can define fields with different native types such as text, integer, boolean, etc., and even nest collections or other UDTs within them.

Creating and altering UDTs is straightforward in Cassandra; it involves defining the structure of the type by specifying its name and fields along with their respective types. Once defined, you can use these UDTs as part of column definitions in tables.

User-Defined Types (UDTs) in Cassandra

In Cassandra, User-Defined Types (UDTs) allow you to create custom data types by combining existing data types. This powerful feature enables you to organize and structure your data in a more meaningful way.

Read on to learn how UDTs work and how they can enhance your Cassandra database management.

Creating and Altering UDTs

To work with User-Defined Types (UDTs) in Cassandra, you need to understand how to create and alter them. Here is a step-by-step guide on creating and altering UDTs

Define the UDT

  • Begin by specifying the name of the UDT using the CREATE TYPE statement.

  • Next, define each field within the UDT along with their corresponding data types.

  • You can also add constraints to the fields if needed.

Altering UDTs

  • If you need to make changes to an existing UDT, you can use the ALTER TYPE statement.

  • Alterations can include adding new fields, modifying existing fields, or dropping fields from a UDT.

  • Note that when altering a UDT, it is important to consider backward compatibility with your existing data.

Updating Data Using UDTs

  • Once you have created or altered a UDT, you can start using it within your Cassandra tables.

  • To do this, simply specify the field name as well as its corresponding value using dot notation.

  • For example, if you have a UDT called "Address" with fields like street, city, and postal code, you would insert/update data into these fields like: address.street = '123 Main St'.

Querying Data Using UDTs

  • To retrieve data stored in a UDT field, you can use dot notation in your SELECT statements.

  • For example − SELECT name, address.street FROM users WHERE id = 123;

Working with UDT literals

When working with UDT literals in Cassandra, you can conveniently represent and manipulate user-defined types within queries. UDT literals consist of field-value pairs enclosed in curly braces, making it easy to define the specific values for each field.

These literals allow you to insert or update rows that contain UDT columns without needing to manually handle serialization and deserialization processes. By using UDT literals, you can simplify your code and improve readability while still maintaining the flexibility and power provided by user-defined types in Cassandra.

Syntax to Create User Defined Type (UDT) in Cassandra

To create a User Defined Type (UDT) in Cassandra, you need to follow a specific syntax. Understanding the important features of this syntax is crucial for working with UDTs effectively.

Check out our detailed explanation with code examples and programs to learn more about creating UDTs in Cassandra. Dive into the world of UDTs and enhance your knowledge!

Important features of the syntax

It is important to understand the key features of the syntax used to create them. The syntax for creating a UDT is similar to that of creating a table, but with some differences.

One important feature is the ability to nest UDTs within other UDTs or tables, allowing for more complex data structures. Another feature is the use of field names and types when defining a UDT, providing clarity and organization to your data model.

Additionally, you can also set default values for fields in a UDT, which can be useful when working with nullable fields. Overall, understanding these important features will allow you to effectively utilize UDTs in Cassandra and design robust data models that meet your specific requirements.

The detailed explanation with code and program

In Cassandra, UDTs provide a way to define custom data structures that can be used as fields within tables. This allows for more flexibility and organization when storing data.

To create a UDT in Cassandra, you use the CREATE TYPE statement followed by the definition of each field along with its corresponding data type.

For example, let's say we want to create a UDT for storing address information. We would define the UDT with fields like street, city, state, and zip code. Here is how the syntax would look −

CREATE TYPE address (
   street text,
   city text,
   state text,
   zip_code int

Once the UDT is created, it can be used as a field within any table in your database. For instance, if you have a table called "users", you could add an "address" field of type "address" to store the user's address.

To work with UDT literals (values), you simply specify values for each field when inserting or updating rows in your table. For example −

INSERT INTO users (id , name , address )
   'V Sharma',
      street: '123 Main St',
      city: 'Delhi',
      state: 'Delhi',
      zip_code: 12345


Understanding user-defined types (UDTs) in Cassandra is essential for working with complex data structures and maximizing the flexibility of your database. By utilizing UDTs, you can create custom data types that suit your specific needs and easily manage nested or hierarchical data.

With UDTs, you have the power to create efficient and organized schemas that enable seamless integration with your application.

Updated on: 22-Jan-2024


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