Neo4j - ID Property

In Neo4j, "Id" is a default internal property for both Nodes and Relationships. That means, when we create a new Node or Relationship, Neo4j Database Server will assign a number for internal usage. It is incremented automatically.

We will go through an example to understand this concept


This example demonstrates how Neo4j DB server assigns an Id Property to a Node and how to view this property value.

Step 1 - Open Neo4j Data Browser

Neo4j CQL Tutorial

Step 2 - Type the below command on Data Browser

CREATE (tweet:Tweet{message:"Hello"})
Neo4j CQL Tutorial

Step 3 - Click on "Execute" button and observe the results.

Neo4j CQL Tutorial

It creates one Node with one Property and one Label.

Step 4 - Type the below command on Data Browser and Click on "Execute" button to observe the results.

MATCH (tweet:Tweet{message:"Hello"})
RETURN tweet
Neo4j CQL Tutorial

Step 5 - Click on "Execute" button to observe the results.

Neo4j CQL Tutorial

Step 6 - Click on circle to view Tweet Node properties

Neo4j CQL Tutorial

If we observe this, we can find an id = 0 property added to this node. When we create another Node, Neo4j DB server will automatically increment this number

Step 7 - Type the below command on Data Browser

CREATE (tweet:Tweet{message:"Hello"})
Neo4j CQL Tutorial

Step 8 - Click on "Execute" button and observe the results.

Neo4j CQL Tutorial

It creates one Node with one Property and one Label.

Step 9 - Type the below command on Data Browser and Click on "Execute" button to observe the results.

MATCH (tweet:Tweet{message:"Hello"})
RETURN tweet

Step 10 - Click on circle to view Tweet Node properties

Neo4j CQL Tutorial

Here we can observe that Node id value is incremented and assigned to one

Note -

In the same way, Neo4j DB server assigns one default Id property to Relationships.

  • Maximum value of Id Property of Node's is around 35 Billion.
  • Maximum value of Id Property of Relationship's is around 35 Billion.