Neo4j CQL "CREATE" Command is used

  • To create Nodes without properties

  • To create Nodes with Properties

  • To create Relationships between Nodes without Properties

  • To create Relationships between Nodes with Properties

  • To create single or multiple labels to a Node or a Relationship

We will discuss how to create a Node without Properties in this chapter. For other scenarios, please refer coming chapters

Neo4j CQL CREATE A Node Without Properties

Neo4j CQL "CREATE" Command is used to create Node without properties. It just creates a Node without any data.

CREATE command syntax

CREATE (<node-name>:<label-name>)

Syntax Description

Syntax ElementDescription
CREATEIt is a Neo4j CQL Command.
<node-name>It is a node name we are going to create.
<label-name>It is a node label name

Things to remember -

  • Neo4j Database Server uses this <node-name> to store this node details in Database.As a Neo4j DBA or Developer, we cannot use it to access node details.

  • Neo4j Database Server creates a <label-name> as an alias to internal node name.As a Neo4j DBA or Developer, we should use this label name to access node details.


This Example demonstrates how to create a Simple "Employee" node. Follow below steps:

Step 1 - Open Neo4j Data Browser

Neo4j CQL Tutorial

Step 2 - Type the below command at dollar prompt in Data Browser.

CREATE (emp:Employee)

Here emp is a node name

Employee is a label name for emp node

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Step 3 - Click on Execute button and see the success message in the Data Browser.

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It shows that one label and one node is created in Neo4j Database. It creates a Node "emp" with label name "Employee" in the Database.


This Example demonstrates how to create a Simple "Dept" node. Follow below steps:

Step 1 - Open Neo4j Data Browser.

Step 2 - Type the below command at dollar prompt in Data Browser.

CREATE (dept:Dept)

Here dept is a node name

Dept is a label name for dept node

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Step 3 - Click on Execute button and see the success message in the Data Browser.

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It shows that one label and one node is created in Neo4j Database. It creates a Node "dept" with label name "Dept" in the Database.

Neo4j CQL CREATE A Node With Properties

Neo4j CQL "CREATE" Command is used to create Node with properties. It creates a Node with some properties(key-value pairs) to store data.

CREATE command syntax:


Syntax Description

Syntax ElementDescription
<node-name>It is a node name we are going to create.
<label-name>It is a node label name
<Property1-name>...<Propertyn-name> Properties are key-value pairs. defines the name of the property which is going to assign to a creating Node
<Property1-value>...<Propertyn-value> Properties are key-value pairs. defines the value of the property which is going to assign to a creating Node


This Example is demonstrates how to create a Dept Node with some properties(deptno,dname,location). Follow the below given steps -

Step 1 - Open Neo4j Data Browser.

Step 2 - Type the below command at dollar prompt in Data Browser.

CREATE (dept:Dept { deptno:10,dname:"Accounting",location:"Hyderabad" })

Here dept is a node name

Dept is a label name for emp node

Neo4j CQL Tutorial

Here Property names are deptno,dname,location

Property values are 10,"Accounting","Hyderabad"

As we discussed, Property a name-value pair.

Property = deptno:10

As deptno is a integer property so we have not used a single quote or double quotes to define its value 10.

As dname and location are of String type properties so we have used a single quote or double quotes to define its value 10.

NOTE - To define String type Property values, we need to use either single quote or double quotes.

Step 3 - Click on Execute button and see the success message in the Data Browser.

Neo4j CQL Tutorial

If you observe the success message, it tells us that

  • One Label is created i.e. "Dept"
  • One Node is created i.e. "dept"
  • Three Properties are created i.e. deptno,dname,location


This Example is demonstrates how to create a Employee Node with some properties(id,name,sal,deptno). Follow the below given steps -

Step 1 - Open Neo4j Data Browser.

Step 2 - Type the below command at dollar prompt in Data Browser.

CREATE (emp:Employee{id:123,name:"Lokesh",sal:35000,deptno:10})

Here emp is a node name

Employee is a label name for dept node

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Step 3 - Click on Execute button and see the success message in the Data Browser.

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Observe successful message

Added 1 label, created 1 node, set 4 properties, returned 0 rows

This command has create one node "emp" with 4 properties ("id","name","sal","deptno") and assigned a label "Employee".
